Abasi, Allahkaram
The Analysis of Postcolonial Criticism of the Novel "Mysteries of My Land" by Reza Baraheni [Volume 71, Issue 238, 2019, Pages 145-168]
Abdi, Gholam Reza
Non-verbal Communication in Sa'di’s Golestan [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 133-151]
Abedi, Mohammadreza
غلبۀ تیپِ مذهبیِ مزوّر، نمودی از فهم ناروا از دین در رمان اجتماعی (با تامّل در نمونههای برجسته) [Volume 68, Issue 232, 0, Pages 109-131]
Abedi, Mohammad reza
scrutiny and analysis of linguistic features in manuscripts Explanationes of Ganjavi's Nezami Sharafnameh [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 78-97]
Abedi, Mohammad Reza
Analysis of mythical themes of the story of “Shahriyar Babel with Shahriyarzadeh in Marzban book [Volume 67, Issue 230, 0, Pages 113-134]
Abedi, Mohammad Reza
other side of the war in shahnameh [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 161-180]
Adhami, Hosien
An investigation on the presentation of Irony in Parvin E'tesami's Idea and Poetries [Volume 66, Issue 228, 0, Pages 61-96]
Adlparvar, Leila
مقایسه ساختاری داستان های همای و همایون خواجوی و سلامان و ابسال جامی براساس نظریه ولادیمیر پراپ [Volume 68, Issue 232, 0, Pages 151-168]
Aghajani zeleti, Somayyeh
Representation of Illness and Disability in One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights) [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 1-19]
Aghapour, Farzaneh
Representation of Illness and Disability in One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights) [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 1-19]
AhmadiDizaj, Abasalt
scrutiny and analysis of linguistic features in manuscripts Explanationes of Ganjavi's Nezami Sharafnameh [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 78-97]
Akhyani, Jamileh
The Proverb structure of speech is a way of induction of opinion and eliminating the "other" in Sadi's words [Volume 74, Issue 243, 2021, Pages 25-45]
Akrami, mir jalil
The review influence of western poetry on Hamidi Shirazi’s « Swan's death [Volume 67, Issue 229, 0, Pages 23-41]
Akrami, MirJalil
Mystical Epic from Hypothesis to Reality [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 1-40]
Akrami, Mir Jalil
Introduction to the creation of dramatic poetry and And its influence on current poetry (in form, contonet and image) [Volume 67, Issue 230, 0, Pages 49-71]
Akrami, Mir Jalil
The influence of Persian language and literature on Othman Divani literature [Volume 68, Issue 231, 0, Pages 137-155]
Akrami, Mir Jalil
Rhetorical functions of bureaucratic elements in Persian sonnets, from sixth to eighth century rely on sonnet of dominant poets [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 1-26]
Akrami, Mir Jalil
The mystical manifestations of self-control in Attar's Mathnawies. (Manṭiq-uṭ-Ṭayr, Ilāhī-Nāma, Asrār-Nāma and Muṣībat-Nāma) [Volume 71, Issue 238, 2019, Pages 27-48]
Ali Beiranvand, Yousof
A Comparative Study of Characters and their Functions in Siavoosh and Ramayana [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 1-16]
Ali Joula, Elham
Suffi Dynasties from the Perspective of the Author of Rashhat al-Ghaybiyeh Fi Tahhqiqh Tariq al-Sufiyeh [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 123-151]
Alipoor Gaskari, Behnaz
Analysis of the political content of the journal Babashamal [Volume 73, Issue 242, 2021, Pages 239-276]
Alipour, Mohammad
سیمای زنان در تاریخ جهانگشای جوینی [Volume 68, Issue 232, 0, Pages 83-108]
Alizadeh, Naser
A suggestion on verse from Divan-e-Hafiz [Volume 66, Issue 227, 0, Pages 95-112]
Alizadeh, Naser
Punctilios of Backgammon in Persian Poetry [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 55-74]
Alizadeh, Nasser
Elements of Postmodern in Sonnets of Hafez-e Shirazi [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 153-180]
Alizadeh khayyat, Naser
The analysis of dichotomous deconstruction and contradictions in the novel "This street has no speed" [Volume 72, Issue 240, 2020, Pages 139-167]
Alvandpour, Gellareh
Analytical discourse of Rumi and Shams in expressing romance based on Halidi's theory [Volume 76, Issue 248, 2024, Pages 69-84]
Al Zoamil, Dr. Haidar Naeem Hamza
Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic in the Persian Literature (Majābāt): Jakobson's Perspective [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 149-164]
Ameri, Firouzeh
Foucauldian Feminism: A reading of Sadegh Hedayat’s “The Doll Behind the Curtain” [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 237-253]
Amirpour Daryani, Jalil
According to Jung's theory, the study of archeology by "Bob Borzouyeh Tabib" is based on the plot of the narratives. [Volume 73, Issue 241, 2020, Pages 73-96]
AmjadiTanouraghaj, Mahsa
Synesthesia as a Conceptual Metaphor: An Analysis of Synesthesia in Sohrab Sepehri’s Poems [(Articles in Press)]
Anvari, Hasan
Azerbaijan’s Contribution to Persian Lexicography [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 1-13]
Arzhangi, Kamran
The study of Sources in the same Stories of Shahname Naqalan and Ferdowsi's Shahname [Volume 73, Issue 242, 2021, Pages 59-84]
Asadollahi, Khodabakhsh
Analysis of the Effects of Realism in the Novel Sharab-e Kham [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 99-116]
AsgariHasanklou, Asgar
Evolution of QeysarAminpour from epic idealism to tragic realism [Volume 66, Issue 228, 0, Pages 97-118]
Asghari, Fereshteh
Mystical commonalities in the poem of Mohammad Hossein Shahriar and the works of Gibran Khalil Gibran [Volume 72, Issue 239, 2019, Pages 49-74]
Asghari Bayqut, Yousof
Turk of mine saying san san
(Reviewing the reflection of Turkish language and culture in Khāqāni's Diwān) [Volume 72, Issue 240, 2020, Pages 1-21]
Azadbakht, Foroozan
Consideration of Soltaniyyat in Mowlana's writings and Jaamis literary compsitions [Volume 66, Issue 227, 0, Pages 71-94]
Azadi, Ali Reza
shared meaning in plural phrases [Volume 67, Issue 229, 0, Pages 1-21]
Azarandaz, Abbas
The Eloquence of the Heroes of Shahnameh Based on Iranian Ancient Literature [Volume 74, Issue 243, 2021, Pages 1-23]
Azimipour, Nasim
Laṭā’if fi al-Uṣūl The oldest versified Persian encyclopaedia from the late 13th century [Volume 76, Issue 248, 2024, Pages 181-196]
Azizifar, Amirabbas
An investigation and analyzing of principals of Existentialism Philosophy in Sohrab Sepehri's poetry [Volume 71, Issue 237, 2018, Pages 103-128]
Azizi Habil, majid
Editing a few phrases from Nafthatul- Masdur [(Articles in Press)]
Babasafari, Aliasgar
بررسی و تحلیل ویژگیهای محتوایی و زبانی اشعار حماسی سیاوش کسرایی [Volume 68, Issue 232, 0, Pages 1-15]
Bagheri Hassankiadeh, Masoumeh
The Eloquence of the Heroes of Shahnameh Based on Iranian Ancient Literature [Volume 74, Issue 243, 2021, Pages 1-23]
Baghinejad, Abbas
Juvenility in Sohrab Sepehri’s Poetry [Volume 68, Issue 231, 0, Pages 1-15]
Baghinejad, Abbas
Bijan Najdi” and Innovation in Language of Story [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 1-16]
Baghinejad, Abbas
Postmodernism in Shams Langroudi's Poem [Volume 74, Issue 243, 2021, Pages 47-67]
Baghinejad, Abbas
Autumnal poetry in childeren ’s poetry [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 216-230]
Bahadori, Mohammadbager
An Image of Oppression and Oppressor in Parvin Etesami’s Political Views [Volume 68, Issue 231, 0, Pages 17-40]
Bahrami, Naser
Investigating Semantic-Pragmatic Functions of Interrogative Sentences (Questions) in Amir Hushang Ebtehaj’s (Sayeh) Poems. [Volume 71, Issue 238, 2019, Pages 49-69]
Bakhtyari,, Fateme
An investigation and analyzing of principals of Existentialism Philosophy in Sohrab Sepehri's poetry [Volume 71, Issue 237, 2018, Pages 103-128]
Bameshki, Samira
Calling Shahnameh characters in Welcome To Hades Novel; An action to weaken the discourse of the eighties [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 261-281]
Bank, Atefe
تحلیل اشعار نسیمی شروانی در مقایسه با اشعار عطار نیشابوری در باب توحید [Volume 68, Issue 232, 0, Pages 17-29]
Baseri, Shahnaz
Whaite- Wearing Mourmers (Investigating the Origins of Wearing in the Mounings of Tarikh- I Bayhagi) [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 189-215]
Bashary, Javad
The values of the commentary translation of Ismail b. Mubarak belonging to the year 665 AH [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 45-72]
Basiry, Mohammad Sadeg
musical elements of poetry in protest against the Islamic Revolution [Volume 67, Issue 229, 0, Pages 89-109]
Bayat Zarand, Elaheh
Exploring the Semantic Development of Simurgh Symbolism in Persian Literature [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 1-24]
Baygzade, Khalil
Analysis of the Component of Focalization in Qeydar's Novel [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 219-240]
Baygzade, Khalil
An Epistemological Analysis of Spiritual Awakening in Persian Mystical Literature and Satori in Zen Buddhism Narratives
(case study: Rumi's Masnavi-ye-Ma'navi and stories of The Gateless Barrier and One Hundred and One Zen Stories) [Volume 76, Issue 248, 2024, Pages 115-132]
Baygzadeh, Khalil
The Study of Humorous Tales of Resaleh Delgosha Due to Robert Lew's Model [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 17-32]
Behnamfar, Mohammad
The Study of Functions and Characterization in Sulaiman Story in The Quran [Volume 67, Issue 230, 0, Pages 26-47]
Birang, MohammadReza
Studying Dimensions and Style of Affidavit as a Teaching Method in Qá'im Maqam’s Monsha’at in Comparison with Sa’di’s Golestan [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 41-57]
Dalaei Milan, Ali
the study of Sanaeis philosophical - mystical concepts about ontology in Hadiga [Volume 66, Issue 228, 0, Pages 159-178]
Dalvand, Yaser
Editing a few phrases from Nafthatul- Masdur [(Articles in Press)]
Danesh, Ebrahim
Coexistence of Lyric and Didactic Literature in the mirror of Intertextual analysis of Nizami’s Works and Qaboosnameh based on Gerard Genette’s Theory [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 151-176]
Darvishipour, Leila
تحلیل مقایسهایکاریکلماتورهای پرویز شاپور با تنی چند از کاریکلماتورنویسان(سهراب گلهاشم، حوریه نیکدست، عباس گلکار و ...) [Volume 68, Issue 232, 0, Pages 69-82]
Dashtpayma, Nasser
A Study of Affecting Factors in the Speed of Narrative in Gholam Hossein Sa'edi’s Smiling Tatar in the Light of Gerard Genette's Narratology [Volume 74, Issue 244, 2022, Pages 275-298]
Dehgan, Ali
مقایسه ساختاری داستان های همای و همایون خواجوی و سلامان و ابسال جامی براساس نظریه ولادیمیر پراپ [Volume 68, Issue 232, 0, Pages 151-168]
Dehghan, Ali
symbolism of Ascension Khosrow and Shirin of Nezamy [Volume 66, Issue 227, 0, Pages 45-70]
Dehghan, Ali
The Challenge between Tradition and Modernity in Moniru Ravanipoor’s Ahle Ghargh [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 181-203]
Dehghan, Ali
Comparative study of human status in Islamic mysticism and existentialism
(Based on Sanny's Hadiqeh and Nouveau Sartre's novel) [Volume 71, Issue 237, 2018, Pages 211-242]
Dehghan, Ali
Narrative Grand decline in Moniru Ravanipur’ "Kuli Kanar e Atash"(Gypsy Beyond Fire) [Volume 74, Issue 244, 2022, Pages 321-343]
Dini, Hadi
The mystical manifestations of self-control in Attar's Mathnawies. (Manṭiq-uṭ-Ṭayr, Ilāhī-Nāma, Asrār-Nāma and Muṣībat-Nāma) [Volume 71, Issue 238, 2019, Pages 27-48]
Doroodgarian, Farhad
Analysis of the political content of the journal Babashamal [Volume 73, Issue 242, 2021, Pages 239-276]
Ebadi Asayesh, Maryam
A Study on Magical Realism and Revisionary Nostalgia in the Mise-en-abymes of the Novel Esfar-e-Kateban
(The Script of the Scribes [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 97-122]
Ebrahimi, Mokhtar
Mawlana's Approach to Thought [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 73-96]
Ebrahimpur Namin, Mohammad
Sufi Hagiography (Historical Perspectives on the Developments of a Genre) [Volume 73, Issue 242, 2021, Pages 1-58]
Ebrahimpur Namin, Mohammad
Anecdotes of Elders in Persian Sufi poems [Volume 76, Issue 248, 2024, Pages 47-68]
Eftehhar, Mahdi
تحلیل اشعار نسیمی شروانی در مقایسه با اشعار عطار نیشابوری در باب توحید [Volume 68, Issue 232, 0, Pages 17-29]
Eghbali, Ebrahim
scrutiny and analysis of linguistic features in manuscripts Explanationes of Ganjavi's Nezami Sharafnameh [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 78-97]
Eqbali, Ebrahim
Synesthesia as a Conceptual Metaphor: An Analysis of Synesthesia in Sohrab Sepehri’s Poems [(Articles in Press)]
Esmailzade, Hasan
Mystical commonalities in the poem of Mohammad Hossein Shahriar and the works of Gibran Khalil Gibran [Volume 72, Issue 239, 2019, Pages 49-74]
Farhadian, Amir Afshin
Should we try or drink in the name of Khajah?Correcting a verse of Hafez ,based on the intratextual relations of his divan [Volume 76, Issue 248, 2024, Pages 155-180]
Farshbafeian, Ahmad
other side of the war in shahnameh [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 161-180]
Farshbafian, Ahmad
تحقیقی در تأثّر هجویری از منابع دینی غیر اسلامی [Volume 68, Issue 232, 0, Pages 133-149]
Farzi, Hamidreza
مقایسه ساختاری داستان های همای و همایون خواجوی و سلامان و ابسال جامی براساس نظریه ولادیمیر پراپ [Volume 68, Issue 232, 0, Pages 151-168]
Farzi, Hamidreza
The Challenge between Tradition and Modernity in Moniru Ravanipoor’s Ahle Ghargh [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 181-203]
Farzi, Hamidreza
Comparative study of human status in Islamic mysticism and existentialism
(Based on Sanny's Hadiqeh and Nouveau Sartre's novel) [Volume 71, Issue 237, 2018, Pages 211-242]
Farzi, Hamidreza
The functions of the Indigo in the poetry of the 6th century with emphasis on Sanai, Anwari, Khaghani and Nizami [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 131-149]
Farzi, Hamid Reza
Analysis of mythical themes of the story of “Shahriyar Babel with Shahriyarzadeh in Marzban book [Volume 67, Issue 230, 0, Pages 113-134]
Farzi, Hamid Reza
A Study of Affecting Factors in the Speed of Narrative in Gholam Hossein Sa'edi’s Smiling Tatar in the Light of Gerard Genette's Narratology [Volume 74, Issue 244, 2022, Pages 275-298]
Fazeli, Firouz
Spacing in nizami poems [Volume 68, Issue 231, 0, Pages 77-108]
Fotoohi, Mahmood
Substantial motion of the universe in the indo - Persian poetry
(A Sadrian reading of Saeb - e -Tabrizi's poem) [Volume 73, Issue 242, 2021, Pages 217-238]
Fotoohi Rudmajani, Mahmood
The sufistic poetic interpretation: the claim of continuity of revelation in Persian language [Volume 75, Issue 246, 2023, Pages 103-122]
Fouladi, Mohammad
Analysis of the Hero's Imaginary Journey in Sky (turquoise dome) Based on the Theory of Pearson & Kimmar’s "the Inner Hero's Journey [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 119-132]
Fouladi, Yaghoub
Historical life of Anahita in the characters of Shirin and Shak(k)ar of Nazami [Volume 65, Issue 226, 0, Pages 105-129]
Gadimi Gidari, Abbas
“Kay arusak baz ra jamehy arusi dar khor ast”
"A reflection on the approach of literary-historical texts of the Qajar period to the phenomenon of child marriage" [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 149-175]
Ghaemi, Farzad
The Study of the Literary Tradition of "Compiling the Accompanying Story" and the Analysis of the Motive of the Poet's in the Epic Poems after Shāh-nāma (Case Study: The Old Burzō-nāma) [Volume 72, Issue 239, 2019, Pages 103-126]
Ghalavandi, Ziba
An Analysis Of the Intersection Between Emotion and Imagery in Ghazakiat-e-Shams [Volume 72, Issue 240, 2020, Pages 215-239]
Ghasemipour, Ghodrat
Shirin a Queen in Khuzestan or a Princess in Armenia? [Volume 74, Issue 244, 2022, Pages 97-122]
Ghasemzadeh, Reza
The Challenge between Tradition and Modernity in Moniru Ravanipoor’s Ahle Ghargh [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 181-203]
Ghavam, Abolghasem
From Khamseh / Quintet Composing to Khamseh / ouintet Scholarships( critical Study of Khamseh / Quintet Researches) [Volume 65, Issue 226, 0, Pages 129-163]
Gheibi, Abdolahad
Mystical commonalities in the poem of Mohammad Hossein Shahriar and the works of Gibran Khalil Gibran [Volume 72, Issue 239, 2019, Pages 49-74]
Gholamrezaei, Mohammad
The use of Allusive simile and metaphor in expressing the mystical experience and preliminaries (Based on Mantegh-al-teyr by Attar) [Volume 72, Issue 240, 2020, Pages 267-305]
Golbabaei, Tamanna
The use of Allusive simile and metaphor in expressing the mystical experience and preliminaries (Based on Mantegh-al-teyr by Attar) [Volume 72, Issue 240, 2020, Pages 267-305]
Goli, Ahmad
the inferential concept of definition in Persian literature [Volume 66, Issue 228, 0, Pages 119-137]
Golizadeh, Parvin
Mawlana's Approach to Thought [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 73-96]
Golizadeh, Parvin
The Extraordinary Event in Persian Mystical narratives and Some Works of magical Realism [Volume 74, Issue 243, 2021, Pages 131-153]
Hadidi, khalil
symbolism of Ascension Khosrow and Shirin of Nezamy [Volume 66, Issue 227, 0, Pages 45-70]
Hadidi, Khalil
Studying Some Interpretive Errors of Meibodi about Surah Yusuf in theThird Turn of Kashfolasrar [Volume 67, Issue 230, 0, Pages 91-111]
Introduction and Analysis Rashid Tabrizi's manuscripts and study about Its stylistic [Volume 74, Issue 244, 2022, Pages 153-187]
Hasanijalilian, Mohammadreza
Comparison and analysis of Molavi's and Eckhart Tole's solutions for the crisis of meaning [Volume 76, Issue 248, 2024, Pages 85-101]
Hasani Jalilian, Mohammad Reza
A Comparative Study of Characters and their Functions in Siavoosh and Ramayana [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 1-16]
Hasani Jalilian, Mohammad Reza
Allegory with Dual Implication (Virtual and Real),
A Way to Expand the Scope of Meaning [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 57-71]
Hasanpour, Hiva
Representation of the power discourse and the position of the subject
In the novel Marde Gereftaar by Mahmoud Kianoosh [Volume 75, Issue 246, 2023, Pages 263-296]
Hasanzadeh, Hosain
other side of the war in shahnameh [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 161-180]
Hassanalizadeh, Samaneh
Bilingual Persian-Turkish verse dictionaries functionality in the transmission of Persian language in Ottoman period in Anatolia [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 73-96]
Heidari, Mortaza
The Proof of Stylistic Events by Using the Inferential Statistics (Case study: the Literal Similes in Iraqi Style) [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 95-122]
Heidariyan, Akbar
A short contemplation on a verse of Khaqani’s ode called Tarsaeiyeh [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 81-98]
Hejazi, Behjatosadat
تحلیلی بر دو رمان از محمدرضا بایرامی با نظری به اندیشۀ فوکو [Volume 68, Issue 232, 0, Pages 49-68]
Hejri, Fateme
Investigation and review of briefness methods in Persian rhetorical texts [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 165-180]
Heydari, Ali
element [Volume 65, Issue 226, 0, Pages 47-75]
Heydari, Ali
A Comparative Study of Characters and their Functions in Siavoosh and Ramayana [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 1-16]
Heydari, Ali
Allegory with Dual Implication (Virtual and Real),
A Way to Expand the Scope of Meaning [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 57-71]
Heydari, Ali
The Change of Synonymous Words in Hafez’ Sonnets [Volume 71, Issue 238, 2019, Pages 95-117]
Heydari, Mahmud
The Analysis of Postcolonial Criticism of the Novel "Mysteries of My Land" by Reza Baraheni [Volume 71, Issue 238, 2019, Pages 145-168]
Horri, Abolfazl
Real Sa’di Versus Implied Sa’di in the Prologue of Gulistan [Volume 76, Issue 248, 2024, Pages 103-113]
Hoseini, Maryam
Analysis of the Idea of Conversion of Human Attributes in Hujwiri`s Thoughts [Volume 72, Issue 239, 2019, Pages 127-155]
Hosseini, Efat sadat
Foucauldian Feminism: A reading of Sadegh Hedayat’s “The Doll Behind the Curtain” [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 237-253]
Hosseyni, Alireza
Analysis and Reflection of the Holy Qur'an in Folk Allusion with an Intertextuality Approach [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 167-187]
Idgah, vahid
dating two epics called Faramarznameh [Volume 74, Issue 244, 2022, Pages 77-96]
Jaafarpour, Sanaz
Research on newly discovered facts of Khaghani's residence and historical geography of Tabriz [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 141-160]
Jabri, Soussan
The Echo of Social Conditions in the Analysis of Speech Acts of Mystical Interpretation Section of KashfolAsrar va ‘OdatolAbrar [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 71-93]
Jafari, Maryam
The Echo of Social Conditions in the Analysis of Speech Acts of Mystical Interpretation Section of KashfolAsrar va ‘OdatolAbrar [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 71-93]
Jafarian, Meisam
The Evolution of Poem; A Textual Research as Another Determinant of Different Variants and Different Readings of Hafiz’s Poems [Volume 72, Issue 239, 2019, Pages 211-263]
Jafarian Heris, Meisam
Criticism and Correction of Twelve Verses of Hafez Based on Textual Documentation and Rhetorical Techniques [Volume 75, Issue 246, 2023, Pages 74-102]
Jafari Ghariyeh Ali, Hamid
The Role of Popular Words and Interpretaions in the Reflection of Social criticism. A case study of Panj NamayeshNameh by Mirza Agha Tabrizi [Volume 74, Issue 244, 2022, Pages 217-245]
Jafari Qarye ali, Hamid
Persian fiction trilogy from thoughts to reality [Volume 73, Issue 241, 2020, Pages 47-71]
Jafarpoor, Milad
Codicology of unknown epic of Jamšid nāmeh [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 97-124]
Jahadi, Seyyed Amir
A Research on Introducing the Literary Type of the Book of Life of Ministers and its Works [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 59-80]
Jalalat, Faramarz
Coexistence of Lyric and Didactic Literature in the mirror of Intertextual analysis of Nizami’s Works and Qaboosnameh based on Gerard Genette’s Theory [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 151-176]
Jalalian Chaleshtari, Mohammad Hasan
"šād",," may" and " pašēmān šudan, ",
(A Revew of Three Words of Shahnameh) [Volume 74, Issue 244, 2022, Pages 33-51]
Jalalian Chaleshtari, Mohammad Hasan
Kavarstān or Gavestān
(A Study on the Name of Transoxiana in Shahnameh) [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 89-106]
Analytical discourse of Rumi and Shams in expressing romance based on Halidi's theory [Volume 76, Issue 248, 2024, Pages 69-84]
Jangali, Atefe
Anima reflects the ethnic mother and psychoanalysis, the story of Rostam and Sohrab [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 201-218]
Kahrizi, Khalil
قضا گفت گیر و قدر گفت ده [Volume 73, Issue 242, 2021, Pages 277-298]
Karachi, Rooh Angiz
The study of Poetry by Heyran Donboli and her manuscript [Volume 67, Issue 229, 0, Pages 111-135]
Karimi qare baba, Saeed
The creation of Farhad's character based on principles of socialist realism in the play
"Shirin and Farhad" by Nazem Hekmat [Volume 75, Issue 246, 2023, Pages 213-235]
Kazem Kahdooi, Mohammad
Pondering on Innovation of Sultan Walad in Sonnat Arena [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 205-229]
Khakpoor, mohammad
Investigation and analysis of Sehabai's views in the field of literary criticism,: A Focus on Sharh-i-Se Nathr-i-Zuhuri [Volume 75, Issue 246, 2023, Pages 129-152]
Khakpour, Mohammad
Critical and analytical look on semantic and structural place of some motives in saeb's poetry [Volume 66, Issue 228, 0, Pages 33-60]
Khakpour, Mohammad
An Analysis of the Structure and Themes of Shahriar’s Qasidas [Volume 68, Issue 231, 0, Pages 109-136]
Khakpour, Mohammad
scrutiny and analysis of linguistic features in manuscripts Explanationes of Ganjavi's Nezami Sharafnameh [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 78-97]
Khalili Jahantigh, Maryam
Critique of two novels, Badbadak baz "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini and Tamaman makhsoos "Totally Special" by Abbas Maroufi, based on Soren Frank's theory of immigration literature [Volume 75, Issue 246, 2023, Pages 236-262]
Khani, Nasrin
Analyze of Khaghani’s Descriptions based on the Binary Oppositions [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 123-139]
Khanisomar, Ehsan
Analysis of the Component of Focalization in Qeydar's Novel [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 219-240]
Khatami, Ahmad
The use of Allusive simile and metaphor in expressing the mystical experience and preliminaries (Based on Mantegh-al-teyr by Attar) [Volume 72, Issue 240, 2020, Pages 267-305]
Khazaee, Fatemeh
Deterministic System of Action: Metamorphosis of the Changeable Cognition in the Eternal Metacognition [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 117-140]
Khazaei Vafa, Majid
The rotation of elites in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh
(Based on the theory of Wilfredo Pareto) [Volume 73, Issue 242, 2021, Pages 115-138]
Khoshhesab, Sanaz
The Study of Humorous Tales of Resaleh Delgosha Due to Robert Lew's Model [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 17-32]
Khoshnoodi, Bahram
Studying the Time in Kalileh and Demneh Tales According To the Time in Narrative Theory [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 217-236]
Kiani, Golrokh
Bidel Dehlavi's time of consciousness from the perspective of thematic criticism [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 177-199]
Mahdavifar, Saeed
Investigating the Correction of Some Couplets of Khaqani's Divan [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 153-166]
Mahdipour, Mohammad
An Analysis of the Structure and Themes of Shahriar’s Qasidas [Volume 68, Issue 231, 0, Pages 109-136]
Mahdipour, Mohammad
other side of the war in shahnameh [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 161-180]
Mahdipour, Mohammad
Investigation and Analysis of the Intellectual Foundations of the Yasavi Order and Its Influence on Sufism in Asia Minor [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 57-77]
Mahmoodi, Kheirollah
Whaite- Wearing Mourmers (Investigating the Origins of Wearing in the Mounings of Tarikh- I Bayhagi) [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 189-215]
Mahmoudi, Ali Reza
Investigating synesthesia in poems of Nasrollah mardani [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 181-199]
Mahmoudi, Ali Reza
Non-verbal Communication in Sa'di’s Golestan [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 133-151]
Mahmoudzahi, Mousa
اسطورۀ خودمرکزی (با تأکید بر نمونههای آن در اساطیر و ادبیاتِ ایران) [Volume 68, Issue 232, 0, Pages 169-185]
Mahouzi, zahra
Analysis of the Idea of Conversion of Human Attributes in Hujwiri`s Thoughts [Volume 72, Issue 239, 2019, Pages 127-155]
Mahvan, Fatemeh
Visual Language of the Tarikh Jahangosha-ye Joveyni (By Study on two Illustrated Manuscripts) [Volume 74, Issue 244, 2022, Pages 123-151]
Maimanatnajad, Karim
Research on newly discovered facts of Khaghani's residence and historical geography of Tabriz [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 141-160]
Malek Paein, Mustafa
Mythical Analysis of Story of Lion and Cow in Kelile and Demne
Based on the Theory of Jung and Northrop Frye [Volume 65, Issue 226, 0, Pages 23-47]
Malek Sabet, Mahdi
Pondering on Innovation of Sultan Walad in Sonnat Arena [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 205-229]
Mansour Tabatabai, Mohammad
Suffi Dynasties from the Perspective of the Author of Rashhat al-Ghaybiyeh Fi Tahhqiqh Tariq al-Sufiyeh [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 123-151]
Mehri Baidiglu, Iman
Analysis of the Effects of Realism in the Novel Sharab-e Kham [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 99-116]
Mirbalouchzaei, Ishaq
Analytical reflection on the allegorical genre of Rumi's elephant and dark house
Relying on Kant's theory of noumenon and phenomena [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 71-88]
Mobarak, Vahid
Attar's multi-dimentional interpretations of Adam's descent [Volume 72, Issue 240, 2020, Pages 169-192]
Mohammad, Mohammad
Spacing in nizami poems [Volume 68, Issue 231, 0, Pages 77-108]
Mohammadi, Ali
Laṭā’if fi al-Uṣūl The oldest versified Persian encyclopaedia from the late 13th century [Volume 76, Issue 248, 2024, Pages 181-196]
Mohammadi, Farhad
the inferential concept of definition in Persian literature [Volume 66, Issue 228, 0, Pages 119-137]
Mohammadi, Farhad
Analysis of the literary discourse of modern Persian and Kurdish poetry in two poems by Shamloo and Shirko Beyks [Volume 75, Issue 246, 2023, Pages 156-180]
Momeni, Amir
Investigation and review of briefness methods in Persian rhetorical texts [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 165-180]
Momeni Hezaveh, Amir
The Proverb structure of speech is a way of induction of opinion and eliminating the "other" in Sadi's words [Volume 74, Issue 243, 2021, Pages 25-45]
Mortezaei, Seyyed Javad
A short contemplation on a verse of Khaqani’s ode called Tarsaeiyeh [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 81-98]
Mosharrafolmolk, Maryam
Understanding The Element of Water and Its signs in Sana’s Sayr ol Ibad [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 25-43]
Moshtaghmehr, Rahman
Critical report on the currentologys of contemporary Persian poetry [Volume 75, Issue 246, 2023, Pages 181-212]
Moshtaghmehr, Rahman
The Problem of Persian Calligraphy in Editing and
Publishing Verse Texts
Case Study: Divan Qatran Tabrizi, Published by the Persian Language and Literature Academy [(Articles in Press)]
Moshtaqhmehr, Rahman
Analysis of Rumi's quatrains based on Genet's theory of intertextuality, relying on the
quatrains of earlier poets [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 98-125]
Mousazadeh, Mohammad Ali
Criticism and Correction of Twelve Verses of Hafez Based on Textual Documentation and Rhetorical Techniques [Volume 75, Issue 246, 2023, Pages 74-102]
Mousazadeh, Mohammad Ali
A reflection on the Referential Language of Complaints on a Selected Complaint from "Rāhat al-Sodur" [(Articles in Press)]
Mowlaee, Changiz
Ferdowsi and Iranians' National Identity [Volume 74, Issue 243, 2021, Pages 187-201]
Mozafari, Fatemeh
Foucauldian Feminism: A reading of Sadegh Hedayat’s “The Doll Behind the Curtain” [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 237-253]
Mozaffari, Alireza
the study of Sanaeis philosophical - mystical concepts about ontology in Hadiga [Volume 66, Issue 228, 0, Pages 159-178]
Nabilou, Alireza
Review and analysis of two poems of Hafez and Khaghani based on Systemic Functional Linguistics [Volume 66, Issue 227, 0, Pages 113-135]
Nabilou, Alireza
Introducing, comparing, and criticizing the description of Mohammad ibn Qavam Balkhi and the description of Qazi Ibrahim Tatavi (based on verses from Makhzon al-Asrar) [Volume 76, Issue 248, 2024, Pages 213-229]
Narmashiri, Smaeil
Analytical reflection on the allegorical genre of Rumi's elephant and dark house
Relying on Kant's theory of noumenon and phenomena [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 71-88]
Naseri, Naser
کاربرد واژگان در رمان سمفونی مردگانِ«عباس معروفی» ازمنظر زبان وجنسیت [Volume 71, Issue 238, 2019, Pages 229-244]
Analyzing the Myth of Mehr in the Book One Hundred Persian Narrative Love Poems [Volume 72, Issue 239, 2019, Pages 183-209]
Nasrollahi, Yadollah
A psychological Analysis of Siavash's Personality in the Shahnameh [Volume 66, Issue 227, 0, Pages 137-162]
Nasroollahi, Yadoollah
Anima reflects the ethnic mother and psychoanalysis, the story of Rostam and Sohrab [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 201-218]
Nasroollahi, Yadoollah
Critical report on the currentologys of contemporary Persian poetry [Volume 75, Issue 246, 2023, Pages 181-212]
Nayebpour, Karam
The Role of Empathy and Its Impact on Reader in Fariba Vafi’s After the End [Volume 74, Issue 244, 2022, Pages 345-369]
Nazari, AhmadReza
Studying the Time in Kalileh and Demneh Tales According To the Time in Narrative Theory [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 217-236]
Nazari Anamaq, Tahere
Elements of Postmodern in Sonnets of Hafez-e Shirazi [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 153-180]
Nazari Charvadeh, Masoume
Studying the Time in Kalileh and Demneh Tales According To the Time in Narrative Theory [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 217-236]
Nikkhah Fardaghi, Azam
Calling Shahnameh characters in Welcome To Hades Novel; An action to weaken the discourse of the eighties [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 261-281]
Nikooei, AliReza
Bidel Dehlavi's time of consciousness from the perspective of thematic criticism [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 177-199]
Nikouei, Ali Reza
Representation of Illness and Disability in One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights) [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 1-19]
Noorpisheh Ghadimi, Mohsen
An Analysis Of the Intersection Between Emotion and Imagery in Ghazakiat-e-Shams [Volume 72, Issue 240, 2020, Pages 215-239]
Nourian, Mehdi
Introduction and Analysis Rashid Tabrizi's manuscripts and study about Its stylistic [Volume 74, Issue 244, 2022, Pages 153-187]
Ojagh Alizadeh, Shahin
Analysis of paradoxes in Manteghotteir Attar and Jung's psychology [Volume 72, Issue 240, 2020, Pages 193-213]
Orak mord gaffari, Parisa
Comparing Content- Structural of Zohre and Manuchehr Epopee by IrajMirza with Aziz and Ghazal BySeyyedSharafadin-E-Gilani [Volume 67, Issue 230, 0, Pages 73-90]
Oskoei, Narges
Epic tone in Khaghani poem [Volume 67, Issue 230, 0, Pages 1-23]
Oskouie, نرگس
Artistic expression in the poetry of the Azerbaijani school [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 126-148]
Pakatchi, Ahmad
Analysis of the Idea of Conversion of Human Attributes in Hujwiri`s Thoughts [Volume 72, Issue 239, 2019, Pages 127-155]
Parnian, Mosa
Analysis of the Component of Focalization in Qeydar's Novel [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 219-240]
Parsa, Sayyed Ahmad
Analysis of the discourse logic of Jerry's application and application of Quranic verses in Anwari's poems. [Volume 75, Issue 246, 2023, Pages 22-43]
Paryad, Akhtar
نقد و بررسی تطبیقی کارکرد نمادین شیر و گاو [Volume 68, Issue 232, 0, Pages 31-47]
Pashaei, Mohammad
Narrative in “Her Eyes” from the perspective of Gerard Genette [Volume 68, Issue 231, 0, Pages 41-58]
Pashai, Mohammad
Analysis of the Components of Realism in the Fiction of Jamalzadeh and Al-e Ahmad [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 17-38]
Pasokhi, Bahereh
Examination of satire in Faranou poetry with emphasis on Akbar Exir verse [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 95-117]
Peyda, Nooreddin
Critical report on the currentologys of contemporary Persian poetry [Volume 75, Issue 246, 2023, Pages 181-212]
Poornamdarian, Taqi
Exploring the Semantic Development of Simurgh Symbolism in Persian Literature [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 1-24]
Pooryazdanpanah Kermani, Arezu
Representation of uncertainty in the novel Dilamzad by Mohammad Roodgar [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 241-259]
Pourdargahi, Ebrahim
The functions of the Indigo in the poetry of the 6th century with emphasis on Sanai, Anwari, Khaghani and Nizami [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 131-149]
Pourjavady, Nasrollah
The Unique Pearl of Love (Description of a Verse by Hafiz) [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 15-23]
Pourzeyni, Khadijeh
An Analysis of the Structure and Themes of Shahriar’s Qasidas [Volume 68, Issue 231, 0, Pages 109-136]
Radmard, Abdollah
From Khamseh / Quintet Composing to Khamseh / ouintet Scholarships( critical Study of Khamseh / Quintet Researches) [Volume 65, Issue 226, 0, Pages 129-163]
Rahimi, Abolghasem
Analysis of the Myth of the Abandoned Child in the Shahnameh from the Viewpoint of Jung's Psychology [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 141-166]
Rahimi harsini, Behnoosh
The Change of Synonymous Words in Hafez’ Sonnets [Volume 71, Issue 238, 2019, Pages 95-117]
Rahimi Harsini, Behnoosh
Allegory with Dual Implication (Virtual and Real),
A Way to Expand the Scope of Meaning [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 57-71]
RahimiZangene, Ebrahim
An Epistemological Analysis of Spiritual Awakening in Persian Mystical Literature and Satori in Zen Buddhism Narratives
(case study: Rumi's Masnavi-ye-Ma'navi and stories of The Gateless Barrier and One Hundred and One Zen Stories) [Volume 76, Issue 248, 2024, Pages 115-132]
Rahmani, Maryam
Analysis of the Hero's Imaginary Journey in Sky (turquoise dome) Based on the Theory of Pearson & Kimmar’s "the Inner Hero's Journey [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 119-132]
Rahmati, Zeinab
The Extraordinary Event in Persian Mystical narratives and Some Works of magical Realism [Volume 74, Issue 243, 2021, Pages 131-153]
Rakhshandemand, seyyed Alisina
A course of the evolution of the title of Rad al- ajoz ala (ela) al-sadr in rhetorical books [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 107-129]
Ramazani, Abolfazl
Analysis of the Components of Realism in the Fiction of Jamalzadeh and Al-e Ahmad [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 17-38]
Ramazani, Mehdi
A suggestion on verse from Divan-e-Hafiz [Volume 66, Issue 227, 0, Pages 95-112]
Ramazani, Mehdi
Chess rook is not the castle;
Investigating the Differences between "Rook" and "Castle" in Chess based on Old Persian Literature Texts [Volume 73, Issue 242, 2021, Pages 201-215]
Ramezani, Mehdi
Punctilios of Backgammon in Persian Poetry [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 55-74]
Ranjbar, Ebrahim
The Duty of Intellectuals and dispute between traditional and modernity in the novel Nefrin – e Zamin (the curse of land (arable) [Volume 65, Issue 226, 0, Pages 1-23]
Ranjbar, Ebrahim
Analysis of the Effects of Realism in the Novel Sharab-e Kham [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 99-116]
Ranjbar, Ebrahim
The concept and objective of living in the novel “Anjoman e- Nekbatzadeha” (The Association of Squalors) [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 199-217]
Ranjbar, Ebrahim
Investigation and Analysis of the Intellectual Foundations of the Yasavi Order and Its Influence on Sufism in Asia Minor [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 57-77]
Rashaki, Fatameh
Investigating synesthesia in poems of Nasrollah mardani [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 181-199]
Rashed Mohasel, Mohammadreza
The rotation of elites in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh
(Based on the theory of Wilfredo Pareto) [Volume 73, Issue 242, 2021, Pages 115-138]
Rasmi, Atekeh
از اسب بالدار افلاطون تا طوطیجان مولانا [Volume 65, Issue 225, 0, Pages 45-64]
Rasoolzade, Hosein
Introduction to the creation of dramatic poetry and And its influence on current poetry (in form, contonet and image) [Volume 67, Issue 230, 0, Pages 49-71]
Rezaei, Mehdi
The Comparison of the Trips of Shahname and other Universal Epical – Mythical Trips [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 33-54]
Reza Gheibi, Mahmood
A Study on Magical Realism and Revisionary Nostalgia in the Mise-en-abymes of the Novel Esfar-e-Kateban
(The Script of the Scribes [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 97-122]
Rostami, Negin
Analysis of the discourse logic of Jerry's application and application of Quranic verses in Anwari's poems. [Volume 75, Issue 246, 2023, Pages 22-43]
Rostami, Rasool
The rotation of elites in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh
(Based on the theory of Wilfredo Pareto) [Volume 73, Issue 242, 2021, Pages 115-138]
Rouhani, Masoud
سیمای زنان در تاریخ جهانگشای جوینی [Volume 68, Issue 232, 0, Pages 83-108]
Saadati, Afsaneh
Mawlana's Approach to Thought [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 73-96]
Sadeghi, Hadi
Investigation and Analysis of the Intellectual Foundations of the Yasavi Order and Its Influence on Sufism in Asia Minor [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 57-77]
Saderi, Taha
A Survey on the Eleven Common Quatrains between Omar Khayyam & Hafiz According to the Manuscripts, Style & Motif [Volume 67, Issue 229, 0, Pages 137-155]
Sadraie, Roghiyeh
The use of Allusive simile and metaphor in expressing the mystical experience and preliminaries (Based on Mantegh-al-teyr by Attar) [Volume 72, Issue 240, 2020, Pages 267-305]
Safai, Ali
Examination of satire in Faranou poetry with emphasis on Akbar Exir verse [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 95-117]
Safayi, Ali
An investigation on the presentation of Irony in Parvin E'tesami's Idea and Poetries [Volume 66, Issue 228, 0, Pages 61-96]
Safayi, Ali
تحلیل مقایسهایکاریکلماتورهای پرویز شاپور با تنی چند از کاریکلماتورنویسان(سهراب گلهاشم، حوریه نیکدست، عباس گلکار و ...) [Volume 68, Issue 232, 0, Pages 69-82]
Sahraei, Ghasem
Allegory with Dual Implication (Virtual and Real),
A Way to Expand the Scope of Meaning [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 57-71]
Sahrai, Qasem
A Comparative Study of Characters and their Functions in Siavoosh and Ramayana [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 1-16]
Salahi, Asgar
Analysis of the Effects of Realism in the Novel Sharab-e Kham [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 99-116]
Salehinia, Maryam
From Khamseh / Quintet Composing to Khamseh / ouintet Scholarships( critical Study of Khamseh / Quintet Researches) [Volume 65, Issue 226, 0, Pages 129-163]
Salemeian, Golamreza
Analyze of Khaghani’s Descriptions based on the Binary Oppositions [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 123-139]
Salmani, Afsaneh
An Image of Oppression and Oppressor in Parvin Etesami’s Political Views [Volume 68, Issue 231, 0, Pages 17-40]
Samadi, Ali
Morphology of Mystical Allegories [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 55-69]
Samandari, Mahnaz
The influence of Persian language and literature on Othman Divani literature [Volume 68, Issue 231, 0, Pages 137-155]
Samkhaniani, Aliakbar
Analysis of Sa’di's Philosophical Parrisia and Anti-authoritarian Discourse in the First Chapter of Sa’di’s Bostan [Volume 76, Issue 248, 2024, Pages 133-154]
Sam Khaniani, Ali Akbar
Mythical Analysis of Story of Lion and Cow in Kelile and Demne
Based on the Theory of Jung and Northrop Frye [Volume 65, Issue 226, 0, Pages 23-47]
Sarfi, Mohammad Reza
musical elements of poetry in protest against the Islamic Revolution [Volume 67, Issue 229, 0, Pages 89-109]
Sayyad Rajebi, Saloomeh
Anecdotes of Elders in Persian Sufi poems [Volume 76, Issue 248, 2024, Pages 47-68]
Shafagh, Esmaeil
Consideration of Soltaniyyat in Mowlana's writings and Jaamis literary compsitions [Volume 66, Issue 227, 0, Pages 71-94]
Shafieefar, farzad
Historical life of Anahita in the characters of Shirin and Shak(k)ar of Nazami [Volume 65, Issue 226, 0, Pages 105-129]
Shahbazi, Hosain
Research on newly discovered facts of Khaghani's residence and historical geography of Tabriz [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 141-160]
Shahidi, Ali
Bilingual Persian-Turkish verse dictionaries functionality in the transmission of Persian language in Ottoman period in Anatolia [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 73-96]
Shamloo, Akbar
Analyze of Khaghani’s Descriptions based on the Binary Oppositions [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 123-139]
Sherafati, Sakineh
کاربرد واژگان در رمان سمفونی مردگانِ«عباس معروفی» ازمنظر زبان وجنسیت [Volume 71, Issue 238, 2019, Pages 229-244]
Shirdel, Zahra
Analysis of the Myth of the Abandoned Child in the Shahnameh from the Viewpoint of Jung's Psychology [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 141-166]
Shirkhani, Ahmad
Critique of two novels, Badbadak baz "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini and Tamaman makhsoos "Totally Special" by Abbas Maroufi, based on Soren Frank's theory of immigration literature [Volume 75, Issue 246, 2023, Pages 236-262]
Shohani, Alireza
Investigating the Correction of Some Couplets of Khaqani's Divan [Volume 69, Issue 234, 0, Pages 153-166]
Tafsiri, Ramazan
Investigating the paradox and its function in expressing the experience of the unity of existence in the poetry of the Timurid era [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 125-148]
Taheri, Hamid
Investigating the paradox and its function in expressing the experience of the unity of existence in the poetry of the Timurid era [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 125-148]
Taheri, Mohammad
Should we try or drink in the name of Khajah?Correcting a verse of Hafez ,based on the intratextual relations of his divan [Volume 76, Issue 248, 2024, Pages 155-180]
Taheri-Khosroshahi, Mohammad
The Mystical Relations between the Sheikhs of Azerbaijan and the Sufis of Khorasan [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 27-54]
Tajlil, Jalil
Studying Dimensions and Style of Affidavit as a Teaching Method in Qá'im Maqam’s Monsha’at in Comparison with Sa’di’s Golestan [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 41-57]
Taki, Geti
The Study of Functions and Characterization in Sulaiman Story in The Quran [Volume 67, Issue 230, 0, Pages 26-47]
Review and analysis of Daee jan Napoleon's novel from the point of view of
grotesque elements and themes [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 181-198]
Tavakoli, Hmidreza
Bayazid between Shams and Rumi [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 25-49]
Tavousi, Mahmoud
Analysis of paradoxes in Manteghotteir Attar and Jung's psychology [Volume 72, Issue 240, 2020, Pages 193-213]
Tayefi, Shirzad
Chess rook is not the castle;
Investigating the Differences between "Rook" and "Castle" in Chess based on Old Persian Literature Texts [Volume 73, Issue 242, 2021, Pages 201-215]
Vaezzadeh, Abbass
From Khamseh / Quintet Composing to Khamseh / ouintet Scholarships( critical Study of Khamseh / Quintet Researches) [Volume 65, Issue 226, 0, Pages 129-163]
Vahed, Asad allah
A Survey on the Eleven Common Quatrains between Omar Khayyam & Hafiz According to the Manuscripts, Style & Motif [Volume 67, Issue 229, 0, Pages 137-155]
Vahed, Assadollah
The Evolution of Poem; A Textual Research as Another Determinant of Different Variants and Different Readings of Hafiz’s Poems [Volume 72, Issue 239, 2019, Pages 211-263]
Vahed, Assadollah
Phonological adaptations and processes in Persian and Hindi from Khan Arezoo's point of view [Volume 74, Issue 243, 2021, Pages 203-231]
Vahed, Assadollah
A reflection on the Referential Language of Complaints on a Selected Complaint from "Rāhat al-Sodur" [(Articles in Press)]
Vahed, اسداله
Investigation and Analysis of the Intellectual Foundations of the Yasavi Order and Its Influence on Sufism in Asia Minor [Volume 77, Issue 249, 2024, Pages 57-77]
Vahedpour, Majid
Rhetorical functions of bureaucratic elements in Persian sonnets, from sixth to eighth century rely on sonnet of dominant poets [Volume 69, Issue 233, 0, Pages 1-26]
Valizadeh, Farshad
Comparative study of human status in Islamic mysticism and existentialism
(Based on Sanny's Hadiqeh and Nouveau Sartre's novel) [Volume 71, Issue 237, 2018, Pages 211-242]
Varghaiyan, Naghmeh
The Role of Empathy and Its Impact on Reader in Fariba Vafi’s After the End [Volume 74, Issue 244, 2022, Pages 345-369]
Vaseghi Khundai, Davood
Pondering on Innovation of Sultan Walad in Sonnat Arena [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 205-229]
Zakeri Kish, Omid
Love Stories: Lyric or Narrative Genre? [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 39-56]
Zarghani, Mahdi
The role of Kaveh newspaper in the history of Persian literature [Volume 76, Issue 247, 2023, Pages 201-215]
Zarshenas, Zohreh
Bilingual Persian-Turkish verse dictionaries functionality in the transmission of Persian language in Ottoman period in Anatolia [Volume 75, Issue 245, 2022, Pages 73-96]
Zirak, Sareh
Deterministic System of Action: Metamorphosis of the Changeable Cognition in the Eternal Metacognition [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 117-140]