
Assistant Professor at Payamenoor University


     The stylistics deals with studying frequencies and repetitions; therefore, employing the statistical analyses in stylistic evaluations is very useful, Whereas the descriptive statistics cannot always explain the stylistic fluctuations, using of inferential statistics theories in evaluating stylistic phenomena will bear a very scientific accuracy. “Stylometry” is the term that has been coined for stylistic researches connected with computer. In present article, the author tries to evaluate the relationship between compression of angle of simile construction in Iraqi Style and frequency of literal similes from the respect of construction in the poets’ Divan of this Style in passing the time. Because of this, the author deals with inferential analysis of statistics by using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient in SPSS computerized software. These statistics come from the SPSS software out and express the correlation coefficient and significant level of relationship between variables (the compression of angle of simile and frequency of literal similes). Comprising these numbers with identified indicators for correlation coefficient and significant level, confirms the positive and direct relationship between variables. In stylistic words, i.e. to be much compressed the angle of simile in style of Iraqi style is equal to increase the frequency of literal similes that have much closed construction and this stylistic event has followed from the dominant norms of periodic style.


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