
1 PhD Student of Persian Language and Literature, Alborz Campus, University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, University of Tehran


From the very beginning, mystical journey for various reasons have been made through various methods and techniques that are known as ways or dynasties, The Sufis believe that every Sufi must be able to prove its dynasty; to extend its dynasty without interruption to the Imams, because they claim that the Qotbiat is the continuation of the Imamate or, at least, the specific viceroy. Sheikh Yusuf Ali ibn Hossein Behbahani of the Sufi elites of the twelfth century AH, according to the author of Rashhat al-Ghaybiyeh Fi Tahhqiqh Tariq al-Sufiyeh, while writing the book was alive. The book of Rashhat al-Ghaybiyeh Fi Tahhqiqh Tariq al-Sufiyeh by the Sheikh Yusuf Ali Behbahani, which is in the form of a manuscript, contains a series of Sufi contents in an introduction and 15 chapters and an a conclusion. One of the most important chapters of this book is the “expression of the order of the rituals and tribal dynasties”, in which, along with the arrangement of the dynasties of the Sufis elders, the route of their reference and immediate assign to Hazrat Amir Al-Mo’nenin (pbuh), or one of Taherine Imams (pbuh), his sons and from them to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). In this research, while expressing the view of the author of the book of Rashhat al-Ghaybiyeh about Sufis dynasties, some evidence of the  Sufi texts about the dynasties revealed, and the viewpoint of the Rashhat al-Ghaybiyeh’s author about the relationship between the speak and cuff  and attribution of the Sufis dynasties, including the famous and the non-famous are expressed. And the name of some dynasties, which is mentioned without name and as another dynasty, by adapting the arrangements of its persons with other texts of Sufism, is also expressed.


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