1 PHD student of Islamic Azad University of Tabriz.
2 Associate Professor at Islamic Azad University of Tabriz
3 associate Professor, Tabriz University
Rashid-al-din Meibodi, writer of the most known interpretation of mystical taste in AlnobahAlsalesah(third turn) has mystical and artistic look at verses of Quran and stories of the prophets and has interpreted them with help of mystical secrets and interpretations. Story of Hazrat Joseph is one of the suitable areas for formation of mystical interpretations and inferences due to variety of subjects and scenes and location of characters in different positions. Events mentioned in this story imply meanings and concepts beyond form of event and this feature is result of the known tasteful mystic like Meibodi and caused him to have interpretations based on his taste, which are not consistent with contents of this story and what was mentioned in Quran. For this reason, his interpretations have some errors and ambiguities despite beauties and attractions and one cannot find reliable Quranic sense or narration directly for some of them. This paper has attempted to present a correct interpretation of the studied verses with help of Quranic text and also other reliable interpretations by criticizing and studying views and theories of Meibodi in the third turn of Kashfolasrar while explaining the errors.