Document Type : علمی- پژوهشی


1 PhD Student of Persian Language and Literature University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan,Iran.

2 Persian Language and Literature, University of, Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran

3 English Language and Literature, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran


In this article, eight characteristics of migration literature from the point of view of Soren Frank, in two novels of the kite runner by Khaled Hosseini, an Afghan writer, and especially by Abbas Maroufi, an Iranian writer, have been analyzed with analytical criticism method, and these basic questions have been answered that 1 -How are Frank's social level (thematic) characteristics reflected in the aforementioned novels? 2- What is the approach of the authors of the examined novels in terms of the use of intratextual migration methods and their image in the text of the novel (style and form)? The results show that the expression of the work in the form of a biography of the author and the characters of the novel is observed in both novels, but it is completely specific to the reader from the stories to a famous autobiography. In the category of nationalism, the concept of nationality has gained a new meaning for Hosseini, but for Maroufi, migration is a painful alienation that he cannot adapt to. In the subject of the novel as a European genre, the Kite Runner novel, which considers its audience not regional but global, is known as a western novel, but in the novel, the author's perspective and his approach to the Persian speaking audience have caused his novel to be non-European and Iranian. Evaluated. At the level of form and style, their works reflect the world of intratextual migration, which primarily helps to create this world through a structural-formal mode.


1-Mahmood Shahroodi

Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature at the University of Sistan and Baluchestan

2- Maryam Khalili Jahantigh

Professor of Persian language and literature at the University of Sistan and Baluchestan (corresponding author) Email:

3-Ahmad Shirkhani

Assistant professor of English language and literature at the University of Sistan and Baluchestan



Criticism of the two novels "The Kite Runner" and "Totally Special" based on Soren's theory of migration literature


In this article, eight characteristics of migration literature from the point of view of Soren Frank, in two novels of the Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini, an Afghan writer, and especially by Abbas Maroufi, an Iranian writer, have been analyzed with analytical criticism method, and these basic questions have been answered. -How are Frank's social level (thematic) characteristics reflected in the aforementioned novels? 2- What is the approach of the authors of the examined novels in terms of the use of intratextual migration methods and their image in the text of the novel (style and form)? The results of this research show that the expression of the work in the form of a biography of the author and the characters of the novel is observed in the Kite Runner and is completely specific, but in the case of the reader, it reaches a famous autobiography. In the category of nation and nationalism, Khalid Hosseini sees the phenomenon of migration as positive and the concept of nationality has gained a new meaning for him, but for Abbas Maroufi, migration is a painful sojourn that he cannot adapt to its conditions. In the topic of the novel as a European genre, the Kite Runner novel, which considers its audience not regional but global, is known as a western novel, but the author's view and approach to the Persian speaking audience in the novel has made his novel non-European and know Iranian None of the two authors explicitly refers to globalization, and at the level of form and style, the works of both authors not only reflect the world of intratextual migration, but also primarily help to create this world through a structural-formal mode.

Keywords: Immigration Literature, Soren Frank, Maroufi, Khaled Hosseini.

Extended abstract


Migration has led to the emergence of a special writing, which is referred to as migration literature. Migration literature has introduced its own special concepts and terms into the field of literature. Concepts such as diaspora and hybridity are among these. Also, this literary genre has special characteristics that distinguish it from other literary genres. In the book "Literature and Migration", Soren Frank examines the usefulness of migration literature. In this book, he enumerates the prominent elements and features of migration literature. Frank claims that the novel has the greatest capacity to use the elements of migration in its form and style. In addition, Frank believes that the literary type of the novel easily crosses borders and therefore the novel is a migrant literary type (Frank, 2008, p10). The characteristics of migration literature can be investigated on two social (thematic) and stylistic or formal levels. At the social level, the novel reflects the metatextual world. On the second level, the style and form of the novel "not only reflect the migratory practices within the text, but depict them" (Ibid, p17). In this article, eight characteristics of immigration literature from the point of view of Soren Frank, in two novels by Khaled Hosseini, an Afghan writer, and especially by Abbas Maroufi, an Iranian writer, have been reviewed The reason for choosing Soren Frank's theory is that each of the literary critics have different points of view in the field of migration novel, but none of them have summarized and explained these characteristics in a coherent and coordinated manner like Frank, and have not expressed the close relationship between these characteristics. . On the other hand, Søren Frank has given independence to immigration literature and removed it from the shadow of post-colonial literature.

2-Research method

The research method is a descriptive analytical review of two novels by Khalid Hosseini and Abbas Maroufi based on the theory of Soren Frank, which was carried out using library tools and these basic questions have been answered: 1- Characteristics How is Frank's social (thematic) level reflected in the aforementioned novels? 2- What is the approach of the authors of the examined novels in terms of the use of intratextual migration methods and their image in the text of the novel (style and form)?


In the preface of the novel The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini identifies himself with the narrator of the story - Amir - and writes that, like Amir in The Kite Runner, he started writing since childhood in Kabul (Hosseini, 2008, p. 3). Amir is a character who leaves his homeland -Afaanistan- along with his father to save his life, and after a lot of hardship, he immigrates to America through Pakistan and spends time with his countrymen. There she gets married, writes stories and becomes a famous immigrant writer. The story of the narrator of this story has many similarities with the story of the author of the novel, in such a way that this narrative seems to express the biography of the author of the novel (Stuhr, 2009, p24). From a literary point of view, it is completely unique in the rotation between biography and autobiography. He has lived a life that is completely special. The narrator keeps repeating. Repeat and repeat. There are many scenes in the novel as if we have read them in the previous pages and now they are repeated with a slight change. Because Maarofi writes the novel of Abbas Irani and the life of Abbas Irani is very similar to the life of Abbas Maarofi. The first similarity that attracts attention is the same name of the narrator and the author. By the way, he also writes, although he says: "I think it's been three years since I haven't touched a pen; Right from the time I quit my job in mosaic making and became the night manager of Shabana Hotel, I didn't write anymore" (Maarofi, 2009, p. 7).

The characters of the novel The Kite Runner at the beginning of their arrival in the host country thought that the events that happened in their country were temporary and soon the situation would return to the past and they would return to their homeland. "The general firmly believed that Afghanistan would soon be freed, the royal regime would be restored and he would return to work. That's why every day he wore his gray suit, adjusted his pocket watch and sat waiting" (Hosseini, 2008: p. 162). But nowhere in the novel can it be observed that the narrator is happy with his exile to Berlin and living in that city and country. He sees himself as a displaced person who has been forced to leave all his ties and affiliations in his motherland and now spends his time as a stranger and wanderer in a foreign country as a migrant and an exile. It seems that he has forgotten many of the ideals that he fought for in his country; Mostly because of what he has lost in this way, but he has not reached any results, for example, he lost his first favorite girl in this way and he blames himself for her death. "I still don't forgive myself for bringing a girl alien to politics, war and revenge to the slaughterhouse. Where everyone had a grudge against each other, but he was not upset with anyone. She was a girl full of passion for life" (Maarofi, 2009: p.96)


The results of this research show that the expression of the work in the form of a biography of the author and the characters of the novel is observed in both novels, but it is completely specific to the reader from the stories to a famous autobiography. In the category of nation and nationalism, Khalid Hosseini sees the phenomenon of migration as positive and the concept of nationality has gained a new meaning for him, but for Abbas Maroufi, migration is a painful alienation that he cannot adapt to. In the subject of the novel as a European genre, the Kite Runner novel, which considers its audience not regional but global, is known as a western novel, but in the novel, the author's perspective and his approach to the Persian speaking audience have caused his novel to be non-European and Iranian. Evaluated. None of the two authors have explicitly mentioned globalization, and at the level of form and style, their works reflect the world of intratextual migration, which primarily helps to create this world through a structural-formal mode.


1-Eskoi, Narges (2018). "Study of the components of migration literature in the novels of Shabana Choubah Orchestra Choubha and Allom Special". Persian Language and Literature Quarterly of Sanandaj Azad University Q11. Sh39. pp. 24-46.

2- Hosseini, Khalid. (2009). The kite Runner. Translated by Mozhgan Ahmadi. Tehran: Behzad press.

3- Derrida, Jacques. (2005). Cosmopolitanism and forgiveness. Translated by Amirhoshang Eftekhari Rad. Tehran: New step press.

4- Zarafa, Michel (1989). Fiction, novels and social reality. Translated by Nasrin Parvini. Tehran: Foroughi press.

5- Saeed, Edward (2014). The role of the intellectual. Translated by Hamid Azdanlou. Tehran: Ney press.

6- Saidi, Mehdi (2019) “Explaining the cognitive flow of Iranian women's story writing in migration”, Literary Review of the Thirteenth Year of Bahar, No. 49, pp. 168-137

7- Saeedi, Mehdi (2019) “Explaining the cognitive flow of Iranian women's story writing in migration”, Spring and Summer Theoretical Policy Research, No. 27, pp. 113-140

8- Saeedi, Mehdi, Rezaei, Seyedah Narges (2017) “Representation of the conflict between the motherland and another land in the fictional literature of migration”, Journal of Persian Language and Literature Research, No. 48, pp. 110-85

9- Azdanlu, Hamid. (2003). The main characteristics of a true intellectual from Said's point of view. Telling the truth to power, the memoir of Professor Edward Said (collection of articles). By the efforts of Alireza Hosseini Beheshti. Tehran: Publications of Human Sciences Research and Development Institute.

10- Giddens, Anthony. (2014). Modernity and identification of society and personal identity in the new era. Translated by Nasser Mofaqian. Tehran: Ney press.

11-Lodge, David and others. (2014). Novel theories from realism to postmodernism. Translated by Hossein Payandeh. Tehran: Nilofar press.

12- Nowrozi, Zainab and others. (2013). “Sociological analysis of character in the novel The Kite Runner”. Literary research text. Q18. Sh60. Summer. pp. 145-174.

13- Maboudi, Farhanaz and Ali Mohammad Mouzni. (2017). “Social and political critique of the Kite Runner novel using Goldman's constructivism method”. Literary research text. Sh75. Spring. pp. 105-129.

14- Maarofi, Abbas. (2009). Completely special. Berlin: Goron press.

15-Bauman, Zygmunt.( 1998) Globalization: The Human Consequences. Cambridge: Polity Press.

16-Bloom, Harold. (2009). Khaled Hosseini’sThe Kite Runner. New York: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.

17-Bhabha , Homi K. (1994). The Location of Culture. London: Routledge,

18-Deleuze, Gilles and Félix Guattari. (1975). Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature  Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.

19-Frank, Søren. (2008). Migration and literature. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

20-Grass, Günter.(1998). The Tin Drum.. Trans. Ralph Manheim. London: Vintage.

21-Levin, Harry.(1966). In Refractions: Essays in Comparative Literature. New York: Oxford University Press,.

22-Rushdie, Salman. “Günter Grass” (1984). In Imaginary Homelands: Essays and Criticism 1981–91. London: Granta Books.

23-Said1, Edward.(1993). Culture and Imperialism. London: Vintage.

24- Said2, Edward. (2002). In Reflections on Exile and Other Essays. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

25-Shiburant, T. & K. K. Wan (1965). Ethnic Stratification: A Comparative Approach. U. S Press.

26-Stuhr, Rebecca.(2009). Reading Khaled Hosseini. California: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

27-Taylor, J. G (1979). From Modernization To Model of Production. Published by the Macmillan Press. LTP.

28-Walkowitz, Rebecca L. (2006). “The Location of Literature: The Transnational Book and the Migrant Writer.” Contemporary Literature 47, no. 4.



Main Subjects

Eskoi, Narges (2018). "Study of the components of migration literature in the novels of Shabana Choubah Orchestra Choubha and Allom Special". Persian Language and Literature Quarterly of Sanandaj Azad University Q11. Sh39. pp. 24-46.
 Hosseini, Khalid. (2009). The kite Runner. Translated by Mozhgan Ahmadi. Tehran: Behzad press.
 Derrida, Jacques. (2005). Cosmopolitanism and forgiveness. Translated by Amirhoshang Eftekhari Rad. Tehran: New step press.
 Zarafa, Michel (1989). Fiction, novels and social reality. Translated by Nasrin Parvini. Tehran: Foroughi press.
 Saeed, Edward (2014). The role of the intellectual. Translated by Hamid Azdanlou. Tehran: Ney press.
 Saidi, Mehdi (2019) “Explaining the cognitive flow of Iranian women's story writing in migration”, Literary Review of the Thirteenth Year of Bahar, No. 49, pp. 168-137
 Saeedi, Mehdi (2019) “Explaining the cognitive flow of Iranian women's story writing in migration”, Spring and Summer Theoretical Policy Research, No. 27, pp. 113-140
 Saeedi, Mehdi, Rezaei, Seyedah Narges (2017) “Representation of the conflict between the motherland and another land in the fictional literature of migration”, Journal of Persian Language and Literature Research, No. 48, pp. 110-85
 Azdanlu, Hamid. (2003). The main characteristics of a true intellectual from Said's point of view. Telling the truth to power, the memoir of Professor Edward Said (collection of articles). By the efforts of Alireza Hosseini Beheshti. Tehran: Publications of Human Sciences Research and Development Institute.
 Giddens, Anthony. (2014). Modernity and identification of society and personal identity in the new era. Translated by Nasser Mofaqian. Tehran: Ney press.
Lodge, David and others. (2014). Novel theories from realism to postmodernism. Translated by Hossein Payandeh. Tehran: Nilofar press.
 Nowrozi, Zainab and others. (2013). “Sociological analysis of character in the novel The Kite Runner”. Literary research text. Q18. Sh60. Summer. pp. 145-174.
 Maboudi, Farhanaz and Ali Mohammad Mouzni. (2017). “Social and political critique of the Kite Runner novel using Goldman's constructivism method”. Literary research text. Sh75. Spring. pp. 105-129.
 Maarofi, Abbas. (2009). Completely special. Berlin: Goron press.
Bauman, Zygmunt.( 1998) Globalization: The Human Consequences. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Bloom, Harold. (2009). Khaled Hosseini’sThe Kite Runner. New York: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.
Bhabha , Homi K. (1994). The Location of Culture. London: Routledge,
Deleuze, Gilles and Félix Guattari. (1975). Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature  Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
Frank, Søren. (2008). Migration and literature. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Grass, Günter.(1998). The Tin Drum.. Trans. Ralph Manheim. London: Vintage.
Levin, Harry.(1966). In Refractions: Essays in Comparative Literature. New York: Oxford University Press,.
Rushdie, Salman. “Günter Grass” (1984). In Imaginary Homelands: Essays and Criticism 1981–91. London: Granta Books.
Said1, Edward.(1993). Culture and Imperialism. London: Vintage.
 Said2, Edward. (2002). In Reflections on Exile and Other Essays. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Shiburant, T. & K. K. Wan (1965). Ethnic Stratification: A Comparative Approach. U. S Press.
Stuhr, Rebecca.(2009). Reading Khaled Hosseini. California: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Taylor, J. G (1979). From Modernization To Model of Production. Published by the Macmillan Press. LTP.
Walkowitz, Rebecca L. (2006). “The Location of Literature: The Transnational Book and the Migrant Writer.” Contemporary Literature 47, no. 4.