Document Type : علمی- پژوهشی


Persian Language and Literature, Department of Languages and Literature, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.


One of the most important issues in human life today and consequently one of the most important features of postmodernism is uncertainty. The influence of this principle in the field of literature and the influence of the novel on it has made modern and postmodern novels more attractive for the reader and the reader more involved in reading the novel. The novel "Dilmzad" by Mohammad Roodgar is one of the selected novels of the Holy Defense in which various factors have been used to create doubt and uncertainty and the construction of its main theme is uncertainty. In the present article, different manifestations of uncertainty in the novel "Dilmzad" have been studied by descriptive-analytical method and through this, the author's preparations to create uncertainty and place the reader on the border of belief and disbelief have been analyzed. Findings of the research indicate that in this novel, uncertainty is expressed in the linguistic levels, narrative, characterization, perspective and time and place of the story, and among these, in the linguistic level of the novel has a special prominence. The author has also added to the skepticism and uncertainty of the story by narrating reality and mixing fantasy and reality with disregard for the cause-and-effect relationship in the story.


Representation of Uncertainty in the Novel Deylamzâd by Mohammad Rudgar[1]



Uncertainty is one of the most important issues of human life and, accordingly, one of the most important coordinates of postmodernism. The penetration of this principle into the field of literature and the impact of the novel on it has made modern and postmodern novels more attractive to the reader and the reader’s motivation in reading the novel. Among the literary types, the most influential of the principle of uncertainty can be seen in the novel. Creating attraction for the reader and increasing the participation of the reader in reading the novel has made this principle doubly important in modern and postmodern novels. The uncertainty of postmodern stories is derived from Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. This principle emphasizes that the same causes do not necessarily produce the same effects and human logic is not a definitive answer to all existing causes. Based on this principle, all moral, mental, psychological and literary certainties are doubted. Uncertainty puts the reader in a relative position; So that he cannot look at anything in the story as definite and certain, and he always looks at the story with an uncertain and suspicious look. Uncertainty in the novel is manifested in characterization, point of view, plot, narration, etc. The novel “Deylamzâd” by Mohammad Rudgar is one of the selected novels of Holy Defence, in which various factors are used to create doubt and uncertainty, and its main structure is uncertainty.



In writing the novel “Deylamzâd”, Mohammad Rudgar has used new story writing techniques. In this novel, nothing is certain, and uncertainty and floating in a space mixed with imagination and dreams abound in it. “Deylamzâd” has a complex structure; for this reason, it is not a novel for everyone! This work is not designed for the general audience and only those who are professional readers can understand its ups and downs. In it, the author has sometimes approached the traits of postmodern novels; the interference of the parts and sometimes different genres of narratives, indeterminate and multiple characterizations, uncertainty, multiplicity of reality and the use of metafictional techniques clearly show Rudgar’s tendency towards postmodernism. The narrative atmosphere of Deylamzâd’s novel is full of ambiguity and doubt, and the author’s tendency towards factors of uncertainty and doubt plays a significant role in this issue. According to the nature of uncertainty, the ways to reach uncertainty can be countless and different; for this reason, uncertainty can be observed at different levels of the novel Deylamzâd.



In this article, the most important manifestations of uncertainty in Deylamzâd are examined. Uncertainty in language, uncertainty in narrative, uncertainty in personality, uncertainty in perspective, uncertainty in time and place, mixing fantasy and reality, disregarding cause and effect relationships in the story are considered to be visible that represent uncertainty in the novel in question.



In this novel, Mohammad Rudgar has been able to represent uncertainty at the level of language by deliberately using verbs denoting uncertainty, doubtful grammatical structures such as doubtful clauses, interrogative sentences and negative verbs. It should be noted that the uncertainty process has a special prominence at the language level. The non-linear narrative, the use of story-in-story style and the use of unreliable narrators have caused uncertainty at the level of the novel’s narration. Rudgar has increased the intensity of suspense in the story with the uncertainty in representing the identity of the characters as well as the multiplicity of identities, transformation and instability of the characters. Also, by using different angles, he has exposed the reader to a different and diverse narrative by tearing up the narrative and disrupting the linear sequence of the story. Chaos in the elements of time and space, mixing imagination and reality, ignoring cause and effect relationship has caused the story to sink more and more into an aura of doubt.


Key words: Holy Defense Novel, Uncertainty, Postmodern, Deylamzâd.



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[1] Ârezu Puryazdânpanâh Kermâni: Assistant Professor of Yazd University.



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