
1 Professor of Tabriz University

2 Assistant professor at Tabriz University

3 candidate of Tabriz University


Qasida as a genre of Persian poetry flourished up to the late 6th century AH, and the 7th century AH marked the beginning of a period of its temporal decline. Inspired by certain social developments, however, this poetic form revived in the Constitutional Period with its authentic, traditional norms. The present work is a structural and thematic analysis of the qasidas by Shahriar. Though Shahriar echoes many of the traditions of the classic Persian poetry, he does not arguably seek to follow the earlier norms and conventions as far as qasida is concerned. Due to his peculiar character, his qasidas employ a soft, lyric language. Though some of his qasidas do hold a candle to the relevant classic works, one should note however that qasida is not the major concern for him as he deems it as a rough poetic form. As with his other poems, the most important feature characterizing Shahriar’s qasidas is factography and expression of true, personal emotional experience. In qasidas with lyrical and emotional themes, this very feature has coupled with innovative fantasy and romantic descriptions to give birth to a new class of qasida unprecedented in the history of Persian literature. Shahriar’s qasidas fall in a wide array of thematic groups, but they can be split into the following categories in terms of the most prevailing purports: 1) panegyric, including Ikhwäniyät (brotherly poems), elegies, and social; 2) religious and monistic; 3) lyric; and 4) those dealing with the Iranian Islamic Revolutio


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