
1 PhD in Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch, Tabriz, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz branch, Tabriz, Iran


The struggle between tradition and modernism as a social problem is reflected in the contemporary literary works one of which is "Ahl-e Gharg Novel of Monirou Ravanipour's" written in magical realism and repeating the counteraction of these two phenomena. So in this research we have considered them to express the relationships and components of tradition and modernism the reflection of the author’s view which is the chief objective of this research. The results from the research show that contrary to kids view the writher portrays a society in which modernism causes the decline of tradition. In spite of her satisfaction from emerging some new phenomena's she is fully against modernism. She believes that by developing modernism traditional world is dim shining. By considering this novel one can understand that the process of influence and tradition from tradition to the modernism is happening mostly in the economical fields by way of new instrumental and industrial products. Modernism the new phenomena in "Ahl-e Gharg" mostly is described by way of industrial technologies or some scientific achievements and political movements accompanying its negative effects whose gradual or sometimes fast presence eventually will diminish the foundations of the traditions.                                                         


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