Document Type : علمی- پژوهشی


1 University of Tabriz, , Tabriz, Iran

2 Department of Persian Language & Literature. University of Tabriz.Tabriz, Iran

3 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, University of Tabriz, Iran.


The criticism of prominent works have been common in all periods, and the importance of research in this field is not less than the value of created works. In the twelfth century AH, Imam Bakhsh Sahbai was one of the critics who inherited literary theories such as Munir Lahori, Azad Belgrami and Siraj-ud-Din Ali Khan Arzu, incorporating into the formation of his unique literary orientation in the subcontinent. The treatise "Sharh-i-Se Nathr-i-Zuhuri" is one of the works that can be considered as the crystallization of new ideas Sahbaian that has been obtained as a result of analysis and critique of linguistic and rhetorical elements of this treatise. The outstanding feature of Sahbai's views in the field of literary criticism lies in its novelty, scientific orientation, and coherence. Among his stylistic features are manifestations of deviation from the apparent requirement (placing the manifestation in the implicit position), using the word stopped on hearing or analogy, dokhana (aware of two inertia), verisimilitude (metaphorical ambiguous metaphor), relation of words in speech, and neologism. Many of the terms in her work are the primary form of interpretation used today in modern literary criticism schools around the world; as he uses "wording" almost in the sense of texture, and "skeleton" in the sense of structure. Sahbai considers the value of metaphor in literary creations to be dependent upon its complexity and elaboration and its application in literary works. Adopting an analytical-descriptive approach, this article seeks to illustrate the unique, innovative perspective accompanying Sahbaian literary criticism


An Examination of the Sahbaian Literary Criticism  Criteria: A Focus on Sharh-i-Se Nathr-i-Zuhuri .

                                                      Mehdi Bagheri[1]

                        PhD Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.

Muhammad Khakpur                                                                            

Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.

                                                Mohammad Mehdipur

Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.                                


Received:                                                                Accepted:




The criticism of prominent works have been common in all periods, and the importance of research in this field is not less than the value of created works. In the twelfth century AH, Imam Bakhsh Sahbai was one of the critics who inherited literary theories such as Munir Lahori, Azad Belgrami  and Siraj-ud-Din Ali Khan Arzu, incorporating into the formation of his unique literary orientation in the subcontinent. The treatise "Sharh-i-Se Nathr-i-Zuhuri" is one of the works that can be considered as the crystallization of new ideas Sahbaian  that has been obtained as a result of analysis and critique of linguistic and rhetorical elements of this treatise. The outstanding feature of Sahbai's views in the field of literary criticism lies in its novelty, scientific orientation, and coherence. Among his stylistic features are manifestations of deviation from the apparent requirement (placing the manifestation in the implicit position), using the word stopped on hearing or analogy, dokhana (aware of two inertia), verisimilitude (metaphorical ambiguous metaphor), relation of words in speech, and neologism. Many of the terms in her work are the primary form of interpretation used today in modern literary criticism schools around the world; as he uses "wording" almost in the sense of texture, and "skeleton" in the sense of structure. Sahbai considers the value of metaphor in literary creations to be dependent upon its complexity and elaboration and its application in literary works. Adopting an analytical-descriptive approach.


The treatise "Sharh-i-Se Nathr-i-Zuhuri" is one of those works which, in addition to its importance in the field of linguistics and rhetoric, is also of great value from the point of view of literary criticism Sahbai has tried to evaluate this work of Zuhuri Tarshizi from the technical aspect and express its real value and interpretive and emotional values, its place in the course of literature. Along with this explanation, we see her as a virtuous critic who was able to use her grace and taste in reviewing this literary work. And with the expansion and publication of Sahbai's works in the form of lithography, by the same students such as "Monshi din Dayal" and "Dehram Narin", Sahbai's works will have their own audiences throughout the subcontinent. After the divan and the summaries of the poets' poems, in the commentaries written during this period, one can find good examples of literary criticism that represent the taste criticism of this periodunknown literary terms and techniques in the field of criticism are mentioned in this work, which required the necessity of research and analysis of those subjects in the amount of an article The reason for dealing with Sahbai's rhetorical theories and literary criticism is that these theories remain unknown to the literary community despite the valuable work done in this field, especially literary criticism.


To find the answers to the questions of this paper, descriptively-analytically, we have examined the evidence in the "Sharh-i-Se Nathr-i-Zuhuri ".In this essay, the author commented on the scientific findings of works such as "A poet in the attack of critics" written by Mohammad-Reza Shafiei Kadkani, " Imagination" by Mahmoud Fatuhi and the collection of articles by Mehdi Rahimpour in a book entitled "Bar Khuan Arzu " and in addition to studying The works written by Siraj-ud-Din Ali Khan Arzu and other contemporaries of Sahbai in the field of criticism have been discussed.

In order to examine and analyze the important elements of criticism in Sahba'i's view, first the complete re-reading of the stone version, which was the only version available, was done, and in the next step, these important elements were organized and examined with the evidences based on the teachings governing the criticism of Sahba'i era. The new criteria of literary criticism were determined from Sahbai's point of view



-As a result of her genius, research and research in Persian and Arabic texts and having a higher memory power, in the field of criticism of texts as well as in other areas, Sahbai is considered to be an opinionated and accurate person.

 - One of his most important features in this field is the use of new terms and entering into topics that have no history before him and in some cases are compatible with the opinions of western scholars in today's world, terms such as verisimilitude, dokhana, texture, structure.


Sahbai, zuhuri, Literary Criticism, verisimilitude, dokhana











-Ahmadi, B. (1370). Saaxtaar va ta’vil-e Matn. Tehran, Markaz.

-Akbarabadi, A. & Alixaan, S. (1355). Seraaj-e Monir: Zamineye Kaarnaameye Monir-e Laahoori. Moqaddameh, Tashih va Tahshiyeye Seyyed Mohammad Akram. Markaz-e Tahqiqaat-e Farsiye Iran va Pkestan, Eslamabad.

Akbarabadi, A. & Alixaan, S., (1359). Tanbih-olQaafelin. Ba Moqaddameh va Tashih va Tahshiyeye Seyyed Mohammad Akram/ Ekram. Lahoor, Daaneshgaah-e Panjaab.


- Al-Siyooti, J. A. A. (1379). Al-Eqteraah fi Elm-e Oosool-Al-Nahv. Tahqiq, Mahmood Soleimaan Yaqoot. Mesr, Daar-ol-Ma’refat-ol-Jaame’iyyeh.

-Ebn-e Fars, A. A. (1378). Mo’jam Maqayis Al-Loqah: Jeld-e 3. Tartib va Tanqih: Sa’eed Reza Ali Askari va Heidar Masjedi. Qom, Pazhooheshgah-e Hozeh va Daaneshgaah.

-Ebn-e Jenni, A. O. (1376). Alxasaa’es: Jeld-e Yek. Tahqiq-e Mohammad Ali Al-Najjar. Dar-ol Kotob Al-Mesriyeh.

-Ebn-e Manzoor, M. M. (1372). Lesan-ol Arab: Jeld-e 4. Beirut, Dar Sader.

Elaahi Qomshe’i, (1378). Tarjomeye Qor’aan-e Karim. Tehran, Vezarat-e Farhang va Ershaad-e Eslami.

-Fotoohi RoodMa’jani, M. (1385). Naqd-e Xiyaal: Naqd-e Adabi dar Sabk-e

Hendi. Tehran, Soxan

-Monzavi, A. (1362). Fehrest-e Moshtarak-e Nosxehaaye Xattiye Farsiye Pakestan. EslamAbad, Markaz-e Tahqiqaat-e Farsiye Iran va Pakistan.

-Neisaari, S. (1387). Tashih-e Divaan-e Hafez Shirazi. Tehran, Nashr-e Soxan.                

-Raampoori, N. S. (1297). Nahj-ol Adab, Lakehno, Nawal Kishore.

-Raampoori, Q. M. (1393). Qiyaas-ol Loqaat, Jeld-e Do. Tehran, Sherkat-e Chaap va Nashr-e Bein-ol Melal (Vabasteh be Sazman-e Tabliqaat-e Eslami).

-Raja’ee Shirazi, M. X. (1353). Ma’aalem-ol Balaghah dar Elm-e Ma’aani va bayaan va Badi’. Shiraz, Daaneshgaah-e Pahlavi.   

-Sahbaaee Dehlavi Molavi, E. (1284). Sharh-e se Nasr-e Zohoori. Lakehno,   

Nawal Kishore.

-Sahbaaee Dehlavi Molavi, E, (1356). Koliyat-e Sahba-ee: Jeld-e Avval. Jam’avari Shode: Monshi Din Diyal. Kaanpoor, Matba’-e Nezaami.

Sahbaaee Dehlavi Molavi, E, (1240). Qol-e Feisal. Matba’e Nezaami, Kaanpoor.

Sahbaaee Dehlavi Molavi, E, (1389). Toraf-e Voqoo’ va Shegerdhaaye Adabiye

-Shafi’i Kadkani, M. R. (1385). Shaa-eri dar Hojum-e Montaqedan. Tehran, Soroosh.

Shamisaa, S. (1370). Bayaan. Tehran, Ferdos.

-Taraqqi, B. (1350). Tashih, Moqaabeleh, va Moqaddameyi bar Divan-e Hazin-e Lahiji. Tehran, Ketabforooshiye Xayyam. 




- Baba Saalaar, A. A., Haadi, R., va Haatoori, R. (1398). “Se Nasr”-e Zoohooriye Torshizi va Jaaygaah-e aan dar Adabiyyaat-e Farsi. Majalleye Matn Pazhoohiye Adabi, Saal-e 23, Shomaareye Bahaar, 127-157.

-Haqjoo, S. (1390). Sabk-e Hendi va Este’aareye Ihaamiye Kenaaye. Faslnaameye Txassosiye Sabk Shenaasiye Nazm va Nasr-e Farsi (Bahaar-e Adab), Elmi-Pazhooheshi, Bahaar-e 1390, Shomaareye Peyaapei 11, 255-268.

- -----------------.(1389). Naashenaaxte. Faslnaameye Jastaarhaaye Adabiye Daneshgaah-e Azad-e Vaahed-e Tehran Shomaal, Saal-e 2, Shomaareye 4, Peyaapeye 8, 79-96

- Xaakpoor, M., Mahdipoor, M., Bagheri, M. (1400). Didgaahhaaye Balaaqiye Sahbayi  dar “Sharh-e se Nasr-e Zohoori”. Doreye 54, Shomaareye 3 (Shomaareye Peyaapeye 214, Payiz, 27-53.



[1]. Corresponding author. Email:



Main Subjects

An Examination of the Sahbaian Literary Criticism  Criteria: A Focus on Sharh-i-Se Nathr-i-Zuhuri .
                                                      Mehdi Bagheri[1]
                        PhD Candidate in Persian Language and Literature, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.
Muhammad Khakpur                                                                            
Assistant Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.
                                                Mohammad Mehdipur
Professor in Persian Language and Literature, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.                                
Received:                                                                Accepted:
The criticism of prominent works have been common in all periods, and the importance of research in this field is not less than the value of created works. In the twelfth century AH, Imam Bakhsh Sahbai was one of the critics who inherited literary theories such as Munir Lahori, Azad Belgrami  and Siraj-ud-Din Ali Khan Arzu, incorporating into the formation of his unique literary orientation in the subcontinent. The treatise "Sharh-i-Se Nathr-i-Zuhuri" is one of the works that can be considered as the crystallization of new ideas Sahbaian  that has been obtained as a result of analysis and critique of linguistic and rhetorical elements of this treatise. The outstanding feature of Sahbai's views in the field of literary criticism lies in its novelty, scientific orientation, and coherence. Among his stylistic features are manifestations of deviation from the apparent requirement (placing the manifestation in the implicit position), using the word stopped on hearing or analogy, dokhana (aware of two inertia), verisimilitude (metaphorical ambiguous metaphor), relation of words in speech, and neologism. Many of the terms in her work are the primary form of interpretation used today in modern literary criticism schools around the world; as he uses "wording" almost in the sense of texture, and "skeleton" in the sense of structure. Sahbai considers the value of metaphor in literary creations to be dependent upon its complexity and elaboration and its application in literary works. Adopting an analytical-descriptive approach.
The treatise "Sharh-i-Se Nathr-i-Zuhuri" is one of those works which, in addition to its importance in the field of linguistics and rhetoric, is also of great value from the point of view of literary criticism Sahbai has tried to evaluate this work of Zuhuri Tarshizi from the technical aspect and express its real value and interpretive and emotional values, its place in the course of literature. Along with this explanation, we see her as a virtuous critic who was able to use her grace and taste in reviewing this literary work. And with the expansion and publication of Sahbai's works in the form of lithography, by the same students such as "Monshi din Dayal" and "Dehram Narin", Sahbai's works will have their own audiences throughout the subcontinent. After the divan and the summaries of the poets' poems, in the commentaries written during this period, one can find good examples of literary criticism that represent the taste criticism of this periodunknown literary terms and techniques in the field of criticism are mentioned in this work, which required the necessity of research and analysis of those subjects in the amount of an article The reason for dealing with Sahbai's rhetorical theories and literary criticism is that these theories remain unknown to the literary community despite the valuable work done in this field, especially literary criticism.
To find the answers to the questions of this paper, descriptively-analytically, we have examined the evidence in the "Sharh-i-Se Nathr-i-Zuhuri ".In this essay, the author commented on the scientific findings of works such as "A poet in the attack of critics" written by Mohammad-Reza Shafiei Kadkani, " Imagination" by Mahmoud Fatuhi and the collection of articles by Mehdi Rahimpour in a book entitled "Bar Khuan Arzu " and in addition to studying The works written by Siraj-ud-Din Ali Khan Arzu and other contemporaries of Sahbai in the field of criticism have been discussed.
In order to examine and analyze the important elements of criticism in Sahba'i's view, first the complete re-reading of the stone version, which was the only version available, was done, and in the next step, these important elements were organized and examined with the evidences based on the teachings governing the criticism of Sahba'i era. The new criteria of literary criticism were determined from Sahbai's point of view
-As a result of her genius, research and research in Persian and Arabic texts and having a higher memory power, in the field of criticism of texts as well as in other areas, Sahbai is considered to be an opinionated and accurate person.
 - One of his most important features in this field is the use of new terms and entering into topics that have no history before him and in some cases are compatible with the opinions of western scholars in today's world, terms such as verisimilitude, dokhana, texture, structure.
Sahbai, zuhuri, Literary Criticism, verisimilitude, dokhana
-Ahmadi, B. (1370). Saaxtaar va ta’vil-e Matn. Tehran, Markaz.
-Akbarabadi, A. & Alixaan, S. (1355). Seraaj-e Monir: Zamineye Kaarnaameye Monir-e Laahoori. Moqaddameh, Tashih va Tahshiyeye Seyyed Mohammad Akram. Markaz-e Tahqiqaat-e Farsiye Iran va Pkestan, Eslamabad.
-Akbarabadi, A. & Alixaan, (1359). Tanbih-olQaafelin. Ba Moqaddameh va Tashih va Tahshiyeye Seyyed Mohammad Akram/ Ekram. Lahoor, Daaneshgaah-e Panjaab.
- Al-Siyooti, J. A. A. (1379). Al-Eqteraah fi Elm-e Oosool-Al-Nahv. Tahqiq, Mahmood Soleimaan Yaqoot. Mesr, Daar-ol-Ma’refat-ol-Jaame’iyyeh.
-Ebn-e Fars, A. A. (1378). Mo’jam Maqayis Al-Loqah: Jeld-e 3. Tartib va Tanqih: Sa’eed Reza Ali Askari va Heidar Masjedi. Qom, Pazhooheshgah-e Hozeh va Daaneshgaah.
-Ebn-e Jenni, A. O. (1376). Alxasaa’es: Jeld-e Yek. Tahqiq-e Mohammad Ali Al-Najjar. Dar-ol Kotob Al-Mesriyeh.
-Ebn-e Manzoor, M. M. (1372). Lesan-ol Arab: Jeld-e 4. Beirut, Dar Sader.
Elaahi Qomshe’i, (1378). Tarjomeye Qor’aan-e Karim. Tehran, Vezarat-e Farhang va Ershaad-e Eslami.
-Fotoohi RoodMa’jani, M. (1385). Naqd-e Xiyaal: Naqd-e Adabi dar Sabk-e
Hendi. Tehran, Soxan
-Monzavi, A. (1362). Fehrest-e Moshtarak-e Nosxehaaye Xattiye Farsiye Pakestan. EslamAbad, Markaz-e Tahqiqaat-e Farsiye Iran va Pakistan.
-Neisaari, S. (1387). Tashih-e Divaan-e Hafez Shirazi. Tehran, Nashr-e Soxan.                
-Raampoori, N. S. (1297). Nahj-ol Adab, Lakehno, Nawal Kishore.
-Raampoori, Q. M. (1393). Qiyaas-ol Loqaat, Jeld-e Do. Tehran, Sherkat-e Chaap va Nashr-e Bein-ol Melal (Vabasteh be Sazman-e Tabliqaat-e Eslami).
-Raja’ee Shirazi, M. X. (1353). Ma’aalem-ol Balaghah dar Elm-e Ma’aani va bayaan va Badi’. Shiraz, Daaneshgaah-e Pahlavi.   
-Sahbaaee Dehlavi Molavi, E. (1284). Sharh-e se Nasr-e Zohoori. Lakehno,   
Nawal Kishore.
-Sahbaaee Dehlavi Molavi, (1356). Koliyat-e Sahba-ee: Jeld-e Avval. Jam’avari Shode: Monshi Din Diyal. Kaanpoor, Matba’-e Nezaami.
-Sahbaaee Dehlavi Molavi, (1240). Qol-e Feisal. Matba’e Nezaami, Kaanpoor.
-Sahbaaee Dehlavi Molavi, (1389). Toraf-e Voqoo’ va Shegerdhaaye Adabiye
-Shafi’i Kadkani, M. R. (1385). Shaa-eri dar Hojum-e Montaqedan. Tehran, Soroosh.
Shamisaa, S. (1370). Bayaan. Tehran, Ferdos.
-Taraqqi, B. (1350). Tashih, Moqaabeleh, va Moqaddameyi bar Divan-e Hazin-e Lahiji. Tehran, Ketabforooshiye Xayyam. 
- Baba Saalaar, A. A., Haadi, R., va Haatoori, R. (1398). “Se Nasr”-e Zoohooriye Torshizi va Jaaygaah-e aan dar Adabiyyaat-e Farsi. Majalleye Matn Pazhoohiye Adabi, Saal-e 23, Shomaareye Bahaar, 127-157.
-Haqjoo, S. (1390). Sabk-e Hendi va Este’aareye Ihaamiye Kenaaye. Faslnaameye Txassosiye Sabk Shenaasiye Nazm va Nasr-e Farsi (Bahaar-e Adab), Elmi-Pazhooheshi, Bahaar-e 1390, Shomaareye Peyaapei 11, 255-268.
-Haqjoo, S.1389). Naashenaaxte. Faslnaameye Jastaarhaaye Adabiye Daneshgaah-e Azad-e Vaahed-e Tehran Shomaal, Saal-e 2, Shomaareye 4, Peyaapeye 8, 79-96
- Xaakpoor, M., Mahdipoor, M., Bagheri, M. (1400). Didgaahhaaye Balaaqiye Sahbayi  dar “Sharh-e se Nasr-e Zohoori”. Doreye 54, Shomaareye 3 (Shomaareye Peyaapeye 214, Payiz, 27-53.
[1]. Corresponding author. Email: