Assistant professor at Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University
“Her Eyes” is the first great novels written by BozorgAlavi. The sequences of the events are not chronological, and the narrator begins to narrate the story from the end of the story, and he employs different styles in narration. This article tries to analyze the narrative of “Her Eyes” based on the Gerard Genette viewpoints after offering brief discussion on the narrative, plot and the story. Gerard Genette distinguishes five main narration elements in the analysis of a story. These elements are: order, duration, frequency, voice and mood. The narrator employs flashback in the narration of the events in the novel of “Her eyes” and he collapses the liner and time sequences after hearing the news of death of master Makan, and he returns to the past by finding an unknown woman (Frangis). The size, time and duration of the novel of “Her Eyes” can be divided into two parts; in the first part, the story is narrated with high speed, and in other words, it has positive speed and the narrator narrates the events briefly and selectively. In the second part, the narration is slow and the events are narrated in detail and significant part of the story is about short period that depicts negative and slow speed of the narration. The narrated sections in this part play an import role in continuation of the story since these sections are more focused.
برتنز، یوهام ویلم، (1388)، نظریه ادبی، ترجمه فرزان سجودی، چاپ دوم، نشر آهنگ دیگر، تهران.