1 PhD Candidate, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran
2 Professor, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran
Qá'im Maqam Farahani’s Monsha’at has been considered as follower of prose style in Sa'di's Golestan. Monsha’at is a collection of letters, introductions, monographs and other texts that he has written to politicians of Qajar era to show his agreement or disagreement with them ,which due to its eloquent and proper prose style is considered as a great prose sample of of Qajar era, has been paid attention by critics and experts. Mostly , Experts has paid attention to the rhetorical aspects of Monsha’at such as pleasant rhyme and short sentences and have compared these aspects with prose style of Golestan, but the extent and manner of affidavit in both works that shows other facts about the influence of prose style in Golestan onQá'im Maqam’s prose style has not been considered yet. Affidavit that is considered as mentioning a verse of Quran, hadith, or a verse of other poems as a confirmation of writer or poet’s idea- in Monsha’at prose –in comparison with prose style of Golestan-has some differences and similarities. Each of these differences and similarities like criteria shows the level of influence that Monsha’at had taken from Golestan. In this paper, the differences and similarities are examined deeply and eventually it is determined that the how close or far the prose style in Monsha’at is to prose style in Golestan.
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