
1 PhD in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

2 Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz


In this paper, in an analytical and coherent method, we focus on the nature of thought and the approach of Mawlana into it. We first have defined the concept of thought and then we have scrutinized it as terms of the origin, function, and the literal meaning and meaning of the Mathnavi. We are talking very carefully about the stretches of thought, telepathy, and the power of formulation of thought. And in the following, we remind some of the subtle psychological points of view from Rumi's point of view. It should be said that what has been discussed and endorsed in the world of Rumi's thought is mystical thought. In the thought of Mawlana, thinking is not only the most important part of human existence, but also the essence of the meaning and the face. The thoughtful and conscious man uses the real thought and its different approaches to create in different courses of life (artistic, behavioral, spiritual and psychological). Thoughts (inappreciable benign) are the cause of good and evil in the universe and constantly are engaged in absorbing, rejection, devouring and formulation. Mawlana means thought as one of the least devourer, and believe that this power causes to become the soul fat or lank. He has been reminisced differently, sometimes animistic approach or blameful approach. Paradoxical view of Mawlana is considerable. He has used to concordant by philosophers and mystic power of thought in all kinds of functions. He accredits practical functions of thought and includes an aspect of theory of thought vehicle for this function.


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