Document Type : علمی- پژوهشی


1 Ph.D Condition, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Dorood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dorood, Iran.

2 Corresponding Author, Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Dorood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dorood, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Dorood Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dorood, Iran.


Bayezid a paradoxical Sufi, with a new mystical experience, a mysterious language, a different moment and spiritual ascension. In his sayings, he has expressed elements such as light and soul to introduce the affairs of Latifah, to discover the secret of the sea of human existence, the happiness of the soul, and to solve his existential riddles. The hypothesis of the research is that the content of some elements of the sages of ancient Iran and the mysticism of Bayezid are related. The author has tried to explain and detail the related topics by benefiting from philosophical and theological approaches. The research questions are: What are the uses of light and soul in Iranian wisdom and Sufism of Bayezid? And what aspect of light and breath is connected with his mysticism? The result of the research shows that the existential value of light in Bayezid's view has an ancient root and there is a common cosmology in the contrast between the worlds of kingdom and kingdom, light and soul, creation and matter, unseen and martyrdom, between these two ways of thinking, which aims It is the excessive human effort to reach true happiness. The nafs is the central element of Bayezid's thinking, which can finally join the light, but also the way of truth. These elements, with a single ontology, mystical metamorphosis and Iranian content, in the tension of opposing forces and the superiority of Ahurai forces, have also been manifested in Bayezid's sayings.


Main Subjects

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