Document Type : علمی- پژوهشی


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Persian language and literature, University of Birjand, Birjand, Iran.

2 MA in Persian language and literature, University of Birjand, Birjand, , Iran.


Khamse-sarayi (Quintet Composing) is one of the long-standing traditions of Persian literature that began in the twelfth century until the twentieth century in Iran and the lands under the influence of Iranian culture. Hakim Nizami gained such fame by composing "Panj Ganj" that after him, many poets in Iran, subcontinent, Central Asia and Asia Minor wrote khamse in Persian and Turkish languages. One of the famous khamse composers of Asia Minor, who wrote a khamse in Ottoman Turkish language, is Nev'i-zade Atayi. The purpose of this article is the typological and comparative study of Atayi’s Khamse with Nizami’s Khamse. The obtained results indicate that Atayi adheres to formal conventions of Khamse, such as the number and naming of verses, their weight and seasonality, preservation of prominent topos such as Beit Basmeleh, Saqiname, opening verses, etc. but he left one of the main features of the Khamse literary genre, which is the fiction of its verses, and wrote only one fictional verse in imitation of Haft-Peikar. In composing his masnavis, Atayi was generally influenced by the social situation of his era, and the seven stories of the Haft-Khan poem also tell about the social situation of his era.


Main Subjects

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