Document Type : علمی- پژوهشی
1 Assistant Professor of Persian Literature and Language. Azad University of Khoi .
2 MA of Persian Literature and Language. Khoi Azad University .
The Use of Vocabularies in Symphony of the Dead
by Abbass Maroufi: from the language and Gender Perspectives
Naser Naseri1/ Sakineh Sharafati2
1 Assistant professor of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad
University, Khouy Branch, Khouy, Iran (corresponding author), E-mail:
2 M.A student of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad University,
Khouy Branch, Khouy, Iran, E-mail:
Language is considered as one of the fundamental elements in fiction writing.
One of the important issues in investigating language is paying attention to
the relationship between gender and language. Most researchers believe that
there is a significant difference between the men and the women language and
writing. This article aimed at examining men and women language differences
in the scope of the use of vocabularies from language and gender perspectives
in the "Symphony of the Dead" written by Abbass Maroufi. The authors have
tried to analyze the differences in the vocabularies used by women and men
in this novel including variables such as color words, taboo words (vulgar and
non-vulgar), swear words, affirmations , moderators, imperative and
authoritative words, affective traits and words in the dialogues among the
novel characters according to the linguistic scientific rules. Although Abbass
Maroufi has created a language proportionate with his protagonists’ gender,
he has not succeeded in the creation of a language proportional with his
protagonists in some cases due to inattention to the scientific findings of
sociolinguists, especially in terms of the relationships between language and
Keywords: Abbass Maroufi, “Symphony of the Dead”, gender, male
language, female language
40 Persian Language and Literature, Vol. 71, Issue 238, Fall & Winter 2018- 2019
Abbass Maroufi, as a contemporary fiction writer, playwright and
journalist, was born on May 17th, 1957in Sangsar, Semnan. He studied
dramatic arts at Tehran University. “Sociolinguistics is a field which
studies the relationship between the language and the society and also,
the relationship between the linguistic usage and social structures
(Trudgill, 1976:1)”. One of the fundamental issues in sociolinguistics
is gender. In this research, the dialogues among the protagonists in this
novel have been studied in terms of language and gender in the scope
of vocabularies including variables such as taboo words (vulgar and
non-vulgar), swear words, affirmations , moderators, imperative and
authoritative words, affective traits and words. Taboo words are
unpleasant and violent ones the use of which is considered rude and
indecent in the society. Linguists believe that women tend to use polite
and cultured forms of language innately and in contrary, men tend to
use taboo words. The statistics show that women use taboo words much
less than men, i.e. 12.7% for women and 87.3% for men. Swear words
are phrases that a speaker uses for more emphasis, when it is probable
that the hearer considers them with doubt. The results of the research
by Gom (1981) indicated that, contrary to the common belief, men use
the swear words more than women. The studies showed that men swear
with 19 swear words compared with women with 3 swear words, and
the color words used by women are more diluted than the ones used by
men. The color words employed by women are 70% higher than those
used by men as 30%. These findings are consistent with the linguistics
theories. Moderators are linguistic forms that express the speaker’s
uncertainty. The frequency of the application of these words in male
dialogues is 75% and it is 25% in female dialogues, contrary to the
Lakoff and Fishman and other linguistics research results. The
moderators have not been used correctly in the dialogues among the
characters in this novel. The writer could not have used the moderators
proportionate with the characters gender. Affirmations (short
responses) are phrases depicting the positive attention of the hearer to
the speaker. Examining the affirmations in this novel showed that the
make characters have used 80% and the female characters have used
20% affirmations.
Linguists describe the male language as authoritative and imperative
and the female language as supportive and participatory. The
authoritative language data in this novel depict that the male
authoritative language use was 75% and the female one was 25% and
The Use of Vocabularies in Symphony of the Dead… 41
the writer has succeeded in the application of the authoritative and
imperative forms consistent with the linguists’ theories.
Abbass Maroufi, the writer of the Symphony of the Dead, has been
successful in use of taboo words, swear words, color words and
authoritative and imperative language and this application is consistent
with the linguistic studies; however, he was unsuccessful in the
application of the variables of moderators and affirmations and
consistency with the linguists standards.
Main Subjects
the standard Persian used in the contemporary fiction, M.A thesis,
University of Tehran.
Trudgill, P. (1997). Sociolinguistics, introduction to language and
society, translated by Dr. Mohammad Tababtabei, Tehran, Agah
Rezvaniyan, G., Malek, S. (2013). Examining the impact of gender on
the contemporary women poets’language, Journal of Poetry (Bostan
Adab), Shiraz University, Year 5th, No. 3, pp. 45-70.
Farsiyan, M. (2009). Gender in vocabulary, M.A thesis, Tehran
Ghaffar Samar, Reza & Alibakhshi, Goodarz (2007). The Gender Linked
Differences in the Use of Linguistic Strategies in face-to-face
Communication. Linguistics Journal, Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 59-71.
Lakoff, R. (1975). “Language and Women’s Place”, New York, Harper
& Row.