
1 Professor at Tabriz University.

2 Professor at Tabriz University

3 candidate of Tabriz University


Interaction, effect and influence of culture, language and literature among different nationalities in unavoidable. Considering effecting on other cultures and languages and at the same time, being impressionable from them, has a long term and noticeable history for Persian language and literature. Turkish literature and language is among the ones that has had the most interaction with Farsi language and literature. In specific time periods, this relation has been highlighted because of the political necessities, and alternatively, it is observable due to the emerging technologies and fluidity of European and western countries.  Edebiyate-e Divani is defined as a six-centuries long Turkish literature, from 13th century up to mid nineteens century, which can be considered as Islamic Turkish epoch until literature of “edebiyate tenzimi”. Majority of created literary works in Divani-e Othmany period, are affected by Farsi traditional literature and also has been saturated by Farsi words and phrases to the extent that with a glance and nontechnical investigation, it can be traced easily. Based on the Othman literary works and also considering researchers of next periods, it can be concluded that this influence is not limited to the unconscious  fluidity and indirectly effect, but also it has been tried intentionally to make the literary works as much as possible similar to the Farsi poets and their works in a mimicry way. In this paper, considering Turkish Edebiyate-e Divani in Saljoughian and ottoman epoch, the effect of Persian poets on the works of poets in this period has been investigated.


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