Document Type : علمی- پژوهشی


1 Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Velayat , Iranshahr, Iran

2 Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Velayat, Iranshahr, Iran


The categories of noumenon(existence) and phenomena(appeared) are considered as important foundations in Immanuel Kant's philosophical system. Through these issues, she has explained the consequence of her philosophical ideas about the unprovability of God noumenon and the recognition and knowledge of the world. Rumi in the discourse of the allegorical genre of the elephant and the dark house seeks to understand the dimensions of appearance and disappearance through the concepts of sensory perception and empirical cognition in parallel with the use of the formation and shaping of the imagination. Since there is no difference between the nature of the power of direct understanding of mysticism and the rational argumentative aspect of philosophy, this article tries to analyze this allegorical discourse based on this scientific understanding.The main question of the research is: was Rumi able to achieve the cognition of the object itself and phenomena through the mediation of imagination and perceptual sensory concepts? The data of this research have been collected by descriptive analytical method using the library study method. In general, the findings of this article show that Rumi, based on the knowledge and intellectual system of mysticism, has acted in line with the epistemological dimensions of the noumenon of God and the phenomena of the objects. Of course, he has tried hard to observe the issue of understanding time by creating a logical and coherent satiety.


Expanded Abstract


Analytical reflection on the allegorical genre of Rumi's elephant and dark house

Relying on Kant's theory of noumen and phenomena[1]



Basically, one of the scientific goals of literary theories and philosophical schools is to make the readings of texts and works thoughtful and systematic. The issue of perception and the issue of recognition and interweaving of intellectual foundations are among the eclectic and adaptive ideals of these schools and theories. Of course, mixed inference and intermingling of rational, philosophical and mystical ideas are among the necessities of the studies of these two areas of scientific thinking. On this basis, during readings or literary researches, one should not be content with the usual and conventional valuations and plagiarism. The horizon of scientific expectations of the present age demands that she should pay attention to the fundamental positions of texts and works with awareness and reasoning and inductive tact, and avoid the scope of dictionary and sometimes extra-linguistic descriptions of taste. Relying on the foundation of the theories, mystical knowledge is not entirely a kind of state of mental ecstasy, but rather a conceptual result of the findings and perceptual cognitions in the later state, which crystallizes in the form of dense linguistic signs. This accurate and measured perception has made them say that there is a single and continuous relationship between mysticism and intellect. The term intuition or poetic truth should not lead us astray and assume that poetry and mysticism in their originality, like philosophy, do not have a way to reason, thought and reasoning perceptions. . Based on the scientific fact, let's accept that intuition is the power of understanding unrelated facts without any opinion and reasoning and detailed thinking. This kind of nature is not only for poets but also for scientists, mathematicians, philosophers and to some extent most people. The details of this assumption indicate that mysticism and philosophy, and in the particular meaning of Kant and Rumi, have a significant scientific authenticity.


Research background

Immanuel Kant is one of those philosophers who is very popular among Iranian researchers and translators. Therefore, in addition to translating his works, relatively many books and articles have been written about his thoughts and theories. However, no article or work with the same title and topic as this article has been written yet. However, some articles have been written about Neomenon and Phenomenon, as well as the adaptation of Kant's higher theory in Rumi's Ghazals and Masnavi, the most important of which are:

  • The analysis of the sublime in the ghazaliate shams and Maulana's Masnavi, inspired by Kant's theory about the sublime, written by Farzad Baloo. This article was published in the year 2019 on 30 pages and in the magazine of Literary Text Research, No. 84, 24.
  • Epistemological comparison of existence and nature in Mulla Sadra's philosophy with Neomenon and phenomenon in Kant's philosophy, written by Qasim Kakaei, Mohammad Boniani and Marzieh Etimadi Far. This article was published in 2017 on 24 pages in the journal of Epistemological Research No. 16.
  • A new approach to the position of the object in itself in Kant and Hegel based on the metaphysical foundations of quantum physics by David Boehm, written by Issa Najmabadi, Sattar Tahmasebi and Mehdi Dehbashi. This article was published in 2019 in 20 pages in the journal of Theological Philosophical Researches No. 84.
  • Neomenon and phenomenon in Kant's philosophy, written by Mansour Nasiri. This article was published in 1387, volume 13 on 23 pages, in the journal Naqd wa Nazar of the Research Institute of Islamic Sciences and Culture, No. 49-50.


Research method

This research has been done in an analytical way using a library study method with a focus on this issue: Has Rumi been able to achieve object epistemology through the mediation of the element of imagination and sensory, perceptual and experiential concepts Per se and phenomena to achieve?


The results

The findings of this research reveal that the process of consciousness and perception of Rumi is similar to Kant's process of perception. One of the categories of hir transcendental philosophy system is empirical epistemology, and it enters the field of the foundations of noumenon and phenomenon as one of hir most important philosophical issues. Rumi has also benefited from the same idea and tools in the allegorical genre of the elephant and the dark house to explain God's noumenon and other phenomena. The combination and overlapping of empirical cognitivism with sensory perception has been a possibility so that Rumi was able to talk about the provability and unprovability of phenomena. Among the things that were obtained in this allegory according to the theory of noumenon and Phenomenon is the mediating role of imagination and its combination with allegory. Imagination in Kant's philosophical mentality as a perceptive possibility in making relationships is understandable and imagination deals with creation in theoretical foundations. molana has used the possibility of forming imagination in an effective and coherent way. He has consciously tried to make the complexity of the subject understandable through imagination. In addition, statements of time and place are elements that play a significant role in allegory. These categories have been used with a dialectical approach, passing through the form of subjective and subjective interpretation in an allegorical discourse in the path of the ontological process. It is also explained that time and place in this genre are not limited to the dimension of epistemological signs and are considered as pure concepts and categories for phenomenological perception. Finally, about the originality of thinking of human determination, it should be said that human existence is an escaping existence and passing through itself and an open space from Kant's and Rumi's point of view. In ontological philosophy, human kind is the foundation and center of knowledge. By creating evidential verses at the end of the story, Rumi has addressed the position of man and his role in existential concepts. Kant believes that man is actually a moral determination, therefore he belongs to the transcendental world and this connection makes him aware of himself. Even though Rumi seems to have paid attention to the world of human introspection, he has used this capacity in line with transcendental principles.


Key words: neomenon and phenomenon, elephant and dark house, human determination.



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[1] Ismail Narmashiri, Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Velayat University of Iranshahr, responsible author

 Ishaq Mirbaluchzaei, assistant professor of Persian language and literature, Velayat University of Iranshahr



Main Subjects

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