Document Type : علمی- پژوهشی
1 Persian Language & Literature Group , Persian Language and Literature & Foreign Languages Faculty. University of Tabriz,Tabriz, Iran
2 PhD in Persian Language and Literature, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
According to historical and cultural evidence, the Caucasus has historical commonalities and long-standing cultural ties with Iran and its people. One of these common areas that have created many bilateral effects on the cultural and historical relations between Iranians and the Caucasus nation, is literary issues and the field of poetic origins and research related to language and literature. Critical studies of the works of writers such as Nezami Ganjavi, Khaghani Shervani, Mujir Belqani, Vale Daghestani, etc. show that the poetic language of these speakers cannot begin with these poets and reach the peak of maturity in their speech. Undoubtedly, there has been a tradition and a history, and hundreds of thousands of artists and virtuous people have been involved in artistic creation before, so that great people such as Khaghani, Nezami, and Mujir could emerge from among them. In this regard, one of the most important branches of the Persian language and literature in the Caucasus is the writing of Persian grammar books and dictionaries. An in-depth look at the historical course of the authorship of these books shows that the pioneers of compiling books on dictionaries and Persian grammar were the Caucasians. The region of the Caucasus plays a very important role in the history of compiling grammar books. This region was either the motherland of the authors or the host of the non-native authors who settled in that area..
Persian Grammar in Caucasus[1]
According to historical and cultural evidence, the Caucasus has historical commonalities and long-standing cultural ties with Iran and its people. One of these common areas that have created many bilateral effects on the cultural and historical relations between Iranians and the Caucasus nation, is literary issues and the field of poetic origins and research related to language and literature. Critical studies of the works of writers such as Nezami Ganjavi, Khaghani Shervani, Mujir Belqani, Vale Daghestani, etc. show that the poetic language of these speakers cannot begin with these poets and reach the peak of maturity in their speech. Undoubtedly, there has been a tradition and a history, and hundreds of thousands of artists and virtuous people have been involved in artistic creation before, so that great people such as Khaghani, Nezami, and Mujir could emerge from among them. In this regard, one of the most important branches of the Persian language and literature in the Caucasus is the writing of Persian grammar books and dictionaries. An in-depth look at the historical course of the authorship of these books shows that the pioneers of compiling books on dictionaries and Persian grammar were the Caucasians. The region of the Caucasus plays a very important role in the history of compiling grammar books. This region was either the motherland of the authors or the host of the non-native authors who settled in that area..
Discussion and Review
The poems of speakers such as Nezâmi Ganjeʾi, Xâqâni Šervâni, Mujir Baylaqâni show that Persian poetry in Arran region could not have started with these poets and reached the peak of maturity in their words. Undoubtedly, in the meantime, there is a tradition and history in order for great people like Xâqâni and Nezâmi to emerge from among them. The small dynasties that ruled in Arran were all fans of Islamic and Iranian culture and encouraged the Persian language and literature, and the rule of the Šervan šâhs in this region was one of the factors of the prosperity of Persian poetry and the growth of Iranian culture.
One of the most important branches of Persian language and literature in the Caucasus is the writing of Persian grammar books. A look at the history of the compilation and writing of these books shows that the pioneers of writing Persian vocabulary and grammar books were from the Caucasus. In the history of writing grammar books, Caucasus lands play a very important role. This land was either the motherland of the authors of the books or the host of the non-native authors who settled there.
The general rule of writing grammar books is that grammar writers are usually those whose mother tongue is different from the language that they write its grammar and they need written rules to learn the target language.
The first topics related to Persian grammar were in the form of short introductions that were written in the opening pages of books related to prosedy and rhyme and especially in dictionaries. The authors of such dictionaries, in order to provide information about the target language, first gave necessary explanations about the syntactic structure of the words and vocabulary of that language and then worked on the meaning of the words.
According to the available evidence, the first dictionary in Persian language was written by Qatrân Tabrizi in Tabriz in the 5th century of Hijri. Although there is no copy of this book in hand, despite this, the name of this work was probably Tafasir fi Loqat al-Fors (Safâ, 1372, Vol. 1: 151). Another book that was written in the same century and is mainly remembered as the first Persian dictionary is Loqat-e fors of Asadi.
In the meantime, we should talk about another prolific writer from Georgia in the Caucasus, in the sixth century of Hijri, that is, Habiš Tiflisi, who wrote an outstanding work Qânun-e adab. We should also mention the valuable work of Hendušâh Naxjavâni. He is the author of the well-known Târix-e tajâreb al-salaf.
The famous work of this Caucasian writer is called Sahâh al-Ajam, which is a Persian-to-Turkish dictionary. Of course, some people do not consider this work to be from Hendušâh and think it is from the works of Hendušâh’s son, namely Šams Monši (Hamidiyân, 1361: 28).
In the 10th century Hijri, Persian lexicography and references to Persian grammar topics were mainly done in India. At 11th century, with the movement of dictionary writing and discussion of Persian grammar in the Caucasus, several major dictionaries were also written in Azerbaijan; Among them, we can mention Borhân-e Qâteʾ by Mohammad Hoseyn Xalaf Tabrizi (1062 lunar year), the Fahrang-e Abbâsi by Mohammad Reza Šafai and also the Borhân-e jâmeʾ by Mohammad Karim ibn Mahdi Qoli Tabrizi. The author of Reyhânat al-Adab mentions a book called Miftâh al-Badâyeʾ by Vahid Tabrizi in this century.
Among other works in the field of lexicography and introductory discussions of Persian grammar in Azarbaijan, in the 11th and 12th centuries of Hijri, we can refer to Qavâʾed-e Ahmadiyya by Mohammad Mahdi Tabrizi and Maxzn al-xazâyen by Mohammad Moʾmen Haji Karim Tabrizi. Also, in this century, in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the book Miftâh al-Maʾani was written by Mahmudbeyk Fasoni (Sâdeq Evâ: Introduction).
Šaraf al-Din Abulfazl Habish ibn Ibrâhim ibn Muhammad Kamâli, Georgian scientist, writer, poet, physician and astrologer, whose most important work is Qânun-e Adab (Arabic-Persian dictionary), which he started writing in 541 AH in the Caucasus and in 545 AH has finished.
Later, a person named Abu al-Mawâheb Saʾd al-Din Suleymân Rumi Hanafi, known as Mostaqim-zâde, translated this work into Turkish and named it Alsaneye Salâse (Tahir, 1350: introduction).
Abd al-karim Irvani has also done valuable works in the field of Persian grammar, such as Qavâʾed-e sarf-o nahv-e fârs and Resâleye adab-âmuz. Some researchers, including the late Jalâl al-din Homâyi, have introduced this book as “the first independent work of Persian grammar” (Introduction to Dehxoda Dictionary, Vol. 1, 126). Based on historical and literary evidence, the first independent Persian grammar book in the Republic of Azerbaijan was written by Baki Xanov under the name of Qânun-e Qodsi. (Sâdeq Eva, 1387:153).
Mirzâ Kâzem Beyg, the son of Muhammad Hasan known as Abedinev, born in Baku in 1840, was also one of the servants of Persian literature, and one of his most important services to the flow of the Persian language in the Caucasus is the authoring of the book “A Brief Persian Grammar”, which is one of his textbooks.
In this article, the authors briefly mentioned only examples of the history of Persian grammar and vocabulary books in the Caucasus with a special approach to the current Republic of Azerbaijan. The documents presented in this article and a brief look at the historical course of compiling and authoring these books show that the pioneers of writing Persian vocabulary and grammar books were the authors of the Caucasus, and in the history of writing grammar books, Caucasus lands have played a very important role.
Keywords: Dictionary, Persian grammar, Caucasus, Republic of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia
Amin-Riyâhi, M., (1360), “Teflisi, piš-âhang-e farhang-e fârsi- nevisi”, Âyande, y. 7, vol.8, p. 622.
Anuše, H., (1382), Daneš-nâmeye Zabân va adab-e fârsi, Introduction, Tehran: Vezârat-e farhang va eršâd-e eslâmi.
Bâki Xânof, Abbâs-qoli âqâ, (1348), Zabân-e fârsi bâ ešteqâq va eʾlâl, Tibilis.
[1] Mohammad Ali Musâ-zâde: Assistant Professor of University of Tabriz.
Mohammad Tâheri Xosrow-šâhi: Ph.D. Student of Persian Language and Literature. University of Tabriz.
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