
Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Astara Branch


In the structural narratology there are two types of time for each narrative: time of the text, time of the story, arrangement, duration and frequency within the ‘time of the context’; calendar time and the sensory and emotional time in the range of ‘time of the story’ are the main topics of time in narratology knowledge. Although theorizing about the techniques and methods of time in historical and literary narratives is a new discussion and dates back to the twentieth century, style of storytelling in Kalileh and Demneh Stories, has provided an appropriate ground for layout of the main components of time in this work.
This article is the result of a research that has studied the time in the main and secondary Tales of Kalileh and Demneh using the descriptive-deductive method and based on the theory of "time in narration". Result obtained from the research show that Kalileh and Demneh Tales have significant match with features "the time of the text". As in “duration” descriptive pause, stage of the play, summarizing and removing, have respectively higher frequencies, in “arrangement” frequency of after-look is more than that of pre-look and in the discussion on “frequency” more attention has been given to recount frequency than repeated frequency. These achievements show that despite having technical prose, Kalileh and Demneh, enjoys a moderate approach in narrating the stories and that, its circumlocution is never more than its brevity and moderation.


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