Volume 76 (2023)
Volume 75 (2023)
Volume 74 (2022)
Volume 73 (2020)
Volume 72 (2019)
Volume 71 (2018)
Volume 9 ()
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Volume 70 ()
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Volume 69 ()
Volume 68 ()
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Volume 65 ()
Volume 6 ()
Volume 55 ()
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Volume 42 ()
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Volume 4 ()
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Volume 3 ()
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Volume 2 ()
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Volume 14 ()
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Volume 11 ()
Volume 10 ()
Volume 1 ()
Number of Volumes 73
Number of Issues 241
Number of Articles 1,555
Number of Contributors 401
Article View 1,266,592
PDF Download 2,771,206
View Per Article 814.53
PDF Download Per Article 1782.13
Number of Submissions 2,711
Rejected Submissions 2,175
Reject Rate 80
Accepted Submissions 206
Acceptance Rate 8
Time to Accept (Days) 310
Number of Indexing Databases 11
Number of Reviewers 132

The Scientific Journal of Persian Language and Literature is the first scientific journal of the University of the country in the field of literature and humanities, the first issue of which was published in April 1949 in the Faculty of Literature of the University of Tabriz. This journal has obtained a scientific-research rank from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT) on 2001/05/22 and was indexed in the recent evaluation of the relevant ministry and obtained a quality grade A. The subjects of the journal are Epicical and Mythical Literature, Sufism and Mysticism, Lyrical and Didactic Literature, Persian Rhetoric and Grammar, History of Iranian Literature, Literary Theories and Contemporary Poetry of Iran. This journal is indexed in the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC) and has a Q2 quality rating. The minimum reviewing time is five weeks, and you will be charged in after reviewing and paginating (3000000 Rials). This journal respects the rules of ethics in publications subject to the rules of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works. Accepted articles will be published after being reviewed in "Samim" plagiarism software, and showing no similarity to other published articles. Access to the articles in this journal is free, and is supervised by CC-BY-NC and is also indexed in the SID, ISC, DOAJ, SIVILICA, Humanities Portal, etc. Aesearchers must cite the journal’s title, its number, bibliographic information and the name of the author or authors on using articles in this journal.It is necessary for authors to appreciate their article sponsors.






علمی- پژوهشی Literary theories
Representation of Illness and Disability in One Thousand and One Nights (Arabian Nights)

Ali Reza Nikouei; Farzaneh Aghapour; Somayyeh Aghajani zeleti

Volume 77, Issue 249 , September 2024, Pages 1-19


  A branch of disability studies, rather than the biological aspect of the body, illness and disability, is concerned with disability representations, the politics of care and body care, symptomatic reading (understanding, interpretation and evaluation) and its medical, moral, social and cultural models. ...  Read More

علمی- پژوهشی Sufism and Mysticism
Misattribution of Shah b. Shoja’of Kermani's words to other Sufis

mohsen pourmokhtar

Volume 77, Issue 249 , September 2024, Pages 20-35


  In the collection of seventy verses that have remained from Shah b. Shoja Kermani, twelve verses are attributed to other Sufis. Eight quotations in the name of Dhu 'l-Nun al-Misri, one quotation in the name of Abu Yazid al-Bastami, two quotations in the name of Abu 'Uthman al-Hri, and one quotation in ...  Read More

علمی- پژوهشی Sufism and Mysticism
Validation of Stories Related to the Relationship between Abolghasem Qoshairi and Abu Saeed Abolkhair in Asrar al-Tawhid: A Critique of Qoshairi's Visage in Asrar al-Tawhid

amir hossein hemati

Volume 77, Issue 249 , September 2024, Pages 36-56


  The fifth century, within the historical course of the formation and evolution of Sufism, is one of the golden eras of this ideology and profession, in terms of growth and development. Different epochs of this century have actually witnessed the existence and emergence of many great figures and the appearance ...  Read More

علمی- پژوهشی Sufism and Mysticism
Investigation and Analysis of the Intellectual Foundations of the Yasavi Order and Its Influence on Sufism in Asia Minor

اسداله Vahed; Hadi Sadeghi; Mohammad Mahdipour; Ebrahim Ranjbar

Volume 77, Issue 249 , September 2024, Pages 57-77


  Ahmad-e Yasavi, also known as "Pir-e Torkestân," was a famous Sufi and influential spiritual leader in the Torkestân region in the 6th century. His Sufi movement and mystical teachings, known as "Yasaviyyeh," gained popularity in the Islamic world and played a significant role in the Islamization ...  Read More

علمی- پژوهشی Literary theories
scrutiny and analysis of linguistic features in manuscripts Explanationes of Ganjavi's Nezami Sharafnameh

Ebrahim Eghbali; Abasalt AhmadiDizaj; Mohammad Khakpour; Mohammad reza Abedi

Volume 77, Issue 249 , September 2024, Pages 78-97


  Enthusiasts of Iranian culture and literature Subcontinental countries, etc. have always been in search of literary inspiration and a correct understanding of Persian Texts, they have been diligent in understanding them, and from their own and others' point of view, they have described works such as ...  Read More

علمی- پژوهشی Sufism and Mysticism
Analysis of Rumi's quatrains based on Genet's theory of intertextuality, relying on the quatrains of earlier poets

Rahman Moshtaqhmehr; mahnaz nezamianbaran

Volume 77, Issue 249 , September 2024, Pages 98-125


  In addition to the existence of a considerable number of quatrains of previous poets among the quatrains attributed to Rumi, there are also quatrains in his Diwan that Rumi paid attention to and took inspiration from the quatrains of them. Sometimes he quoted a verse or stanza from others quatrains and ...  Read More

علمی- پژوهشی Literary theories
Artistic expression in the poetry of the Azerbaijani school

نرگس Oskouie

Volume 77, Issue 249 , September 2024, Pages 126-148


  Expression of feeling is one of the important and basic principles of creating aesthetic values in literary and artistic texts. Expression is an artistic method to describe works in which the artist distorts reality, values and norms in order to interpret, interpret and make the expression of emotions ...  Read More

علمی- پژوهشی Literary theories
Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic in the Persian Literature (Majābāt): Jakobson's Perspective

Dr. Haidar Naeem Hamza Al Zoamil

Volume 77, Issue 249 , September 2024, Pages 149-164


  Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic are two theories of linguistics. According to Jakobson, these two processes appear figuratively and virtually in verbal art and are considered a method for identifying literary and artistic styles. Persian literature has several distinct literary periods that can be categorized ...  Read More

علمی- پژوهشی Persian Rhetoric and Grammar
Investigation and review of briefness methods in Persian rhetorical texts

Fateme Hejri; Amir Momeni

Volume 77, Issue 249 , September 2024, Pages 165-180


  Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic are two theories of linguistics. According to Jakobson, these two processes appear figuratively and virtually in verbal art and are considered a method for identifying literary and artistic styles. Persian literature has several distinct literary periods that can be categorized ...  Read More

علمی- پژوهشی Fiction Literature
Review and analysis of Daee jan Napoleon's novel from the point of view of grotesque elements and themes

manoochehr joukar; MANOUCHER TASHAKORI; masoumeh delfan

Volume 77, Issue 249 , September 2024, Pages 181-198


  Grotesque is a pseudo-species in which the author or speaker mocks individual and social abnormalities with an unpleasant exaggeration that is at the same time disgusting and funny. Grotesque elements create a dual space in a literary and artistic work and create a structure that contains a combination ...  Read More

علمی- پژوهشی Fiction Literature
Examining the contrast between tradition and modernity in Tubi and the meaning of the night by Shahrnoush Parsipour

mahnaz abhari; manijeh falahi; ali eskandari

Volume 77, Issue 249 , September 2024, Pages 199-215


  The novel includes the events of many eventful periods of Iran's contemporary history, which are reported with the focus of Tuba's life. The events of the novel take place in the context of political developments from the threshold of the constitutional movement to the last decades of Pahlavi II's rule ...  Read More

علمی- پژوهشی Contemporary Poetry of Iran
Autumnal poetry in childeren ’s poetry

Abbas Baghinejad

Volume 77, Issue 249 , September 2024, Pages 216-230


  The season of autumn and all of its elements and phenomenon is one of the vital subjects of nursery rhyme. In this article, the child poets approach and their inspiration in observing the visual attractions, natural and biological capabilities of autumn are pointed out; also the way of using the symbols ...  Read More

Literary theories
Analysis of the Component of Focalization in Qeydar's Novel

Ehsan Khanisomar; Mosa Parnian; Khalil Baygzade

Volume 75, Issue 245 , April 2022, , Pages 219-240


  One of issues in narratology is the issue of focalization. Gerard Genet chose centralization as a superior view from a perspective that is a transcendental concept of visual side. This perspective is a point of view through which a lot of information is implicitly seen, felt, understood and evaluated. ...  Read More

Sufism and Mysticism
An Epistemological Analysis of Spiritual Awakening in Persian Mystical Literature and Satori in Zen Buddhism Narratives (case study: Rumi's Masnavi-ye-Ma'navi and stories of The Gateless Barrier and One Hundred and One Zen Stories)

Khalil Baygzade; ehsan zanditalab; Ebrahim RahimiZangene

Volume 76, Issue 248 , February 2024, , Pages 115-132


   Awakening means the annihilation of ignorance, and it is one of the most important concepts in Islamic mysticism, which Rumi has discussed and analyzed many times in the stories of Masnaviye Maʾnavi. The concept of Satori has the same meaning in Zen Buddhism texts, and understanding and experiencing ...  Read More

Contemporary Poetry of Iran
Critical report on the currentologys of contemporary Persian poetry

Nooreddin Peyda; Rahman Moshtaghmehr; Yadoollah Nasroollahi

Volume 75, Issue 246 , March 2023, , Pages 181-212


  After the literary revolution of Nima, numerous currents were born from Nimai's poetry and it merged with the currents and literary schools of the West and became popular. Following this, many studies and critiques were made about these poetic currents Due to the large number of available resources in ...  Read More

Sufism and Mysticism
Investigating the paradox and its function in expressing the experience of the unity of existence in the poetry of the Timurid era

Ramazan Tafsiri; Hamid Taheri

Volume 75, Issue 245 , April 2022, , Pages 125-148


  Investigating the paradox and its function in expressing the experience of the unity of existence in the poetry of the Timurid era[1]Mysticism is the knowledge of unseen truths, and in other words, mysticism is the knowledge of the truth through names and attributes, and man’s reaching the position ...  Read More

Sufism and Mysticism
Exploring the Semantic Development of Simurgh Symbolism in Persian Literature

Taqi Poornamdarian; Elaheh Bayat Zarand

Volume 76, Issue 247 , September 2023, , Pages 1-24


  Symbols are powerful images that articulate a set of cultural and mythological concepts in certain semantic clusters. These clusters produced through creative literary processes constitute a part of our cultural memory. One of the symbols is Simurgh that was generated in the pre-Islamic Persian texts ...  Read More

علمی- پژوهشی Contemporary Poetry of Iran
Synesthesia as a Conceptual Metaphor: An Analysis of Synesthesia in Sohrab Sepehri’s Poems

Mahsa AmjadiTanouraghaj; Ebrahim Eqbali

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 31 January 2024


  This paper gives an insight to aesthetics from the viewpoint of conceptual metaphor theory to analyze the aesthetics in the poetry of Sohrab Sepehri. With regard to Ullmann’s hierarchy of senses some of cognitive science researchers have considered aesthetics as a type of conceptual metaphors; ...  Read More

علمی- پژوهشی Lyrical and Didactic Literature
A reflection on the Referential Language of Complaints on a Selected Complaint from "Rāhat al-Sodur"

rashid asadi valiloo; Mohammad Ali Mousazadeh

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 07 September 2024


  When dealing with a literary text, what is assumed and strengthens the original value of the text is its literary features, but being lyrical is a matter of content, and the lyrical text increases its quality by resorting to the features of the literary language. Despite this, lyrical texts without literary ...  Read More

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