Document Type : علمی- پژوهشی


Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. Ahvaz. Iran


Nature plays an important role in shaping human actions, which has suffered disturbances in the present era. Such a category is prominent in Adnan Ghorayfi's fictional works. For this reason, we will answer the question with a descriptive-analytical method, what factors were involved in moving nature away from its place of object and of course those environmental and human crises in societies of Adnan Ghorayfi's fictional works? The results of research indicate that dominant discourses on Adnan Ghorayfi's fictional society are destructive discourses and have disrupted nature and removed it from its place as an object, objectifying nature according to utilitarian and developmentalist view that is manifested in colonial and authoritarian discourses. , provoked actions in people and made them face crises that we saw in the authoritarian discourse of power and accompanying political economy and in the wake of it pollution and destruction of nature and breakdown of human bonds in story collection "Palm Mother", in discourse of development and the application of disciplinary techniques of developed bourgeois societies for urban development and disturbance in nature and human life in the story collection "Four Apartments in Tehran Pars", in authoritarian discourse and construction of subjects and a prison-like society, and influence of power in all levels of biological and human life and prisoner nature due to unstable development in story collection "Cloaked in the Fog", in discourse of capitalism and shaping of people's actions and subsequent damage to nature in the story " Lovebird ".


Main Subjects

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