نوع مقاله : علمی- پژوهشی


استادیار گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه فرهنگیان


نفثهالمصدور یکی از شاهکارهای بدیع نثر فنی و مصنوع در حوزة زبان و ادب فارسی است که شهاب‎الدین محمد خرندزی زیدری نسوی آن را در شرح مصائب روزگار جلال‎الدین خوارزمشاه در زمان حملة مغول نوشته است. این کتاب دارای نثری منشیانه و فصیح است که نویسنده در تصنیف آن توجه فراوانی به کاربرد آرایه‌های بدیعی، بیانی، آیات، احادیث و لغات و اصطلاحات عربی دارد. سؤال مطرح این است که آیا نویسنده در کاربرد آرایه‏های زبانی از الگوی خاصی پیروی کرده یا اینکه این عناصر را تنها به‌منظور آرایش لفظی و معنوی کلام خود به‏کار برده است. در پاسخ به این پرسش باید گفت که زبان فنی این اثر، دارای الگوی منسجمی در ژرف‎ساخت است که نویسنده به پیروی از آن، دست به گزینش صنایع و آرایه‌های لفظی و معنوی زده و از یک‎سو کنایه و تشبیه را بیشتر از استعاره و مجاز به‏کار برده و از سوی دیگر به پیروی از همین الگو از میان آرایه‎های بدیع لفظی، انواع گونه‎های سجع و جناس را برگزیده و در ایجاد موسیقی زبان اثر خود از آن‏ها بهره برده است. در حوزة بدیع معنوی نیز کاربرد صنعت اغراق، تضمین و تلمیح که زیرساختی تشبیهی دارد، صبغة تشبیهی زبان نفثهالمصدور را پررنگ‏تر کرده است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Explaining the pattern of application of Exquisite and Expressive figures of speech in Nafthat-o-Almasdour

نویسندگان [English]

  • hasan shamiyan
  • samaneh jafari

Assistant Professor of Persian Literature and Language, Farhangiyan University.

چکیده [English]

Nafthat-Al-Masdur is one of the most renowned masterpieces of technical and
artistic prose in the field of Persian language and literature that Shihaboddin
Mohammad Khorandezi zeydari Nasawi has written in the description of the
tragedies of Jalal al-din Khwarazmshah during the Mongol invasion.This
book has a generous and passionate language that the author has devoted a lot
to the use of arrays, expressions, verses, hadiths, and Arabic vocabulary and
expressions.The question here is as follows: ʿHas the author followed a
particular pattern in using figures of speech, or has used these elements solely
for the verbal and spiritual arrangement of his words?’. To answer this
question we should say that the technical language of this work seems to have
a coherence and a pattern in it and the author follows the pattern of choosing
technical, verbal and artistic arrays. On the one hand, he used ironies and
similes far more than metaphor and trope, and on the other hand, following
the same pattern he chooses Saj and Pun and uses them for the creation of
musical language of his work. In the intellectual domain, the use of
exaggeration, assurance, and allusion, which are similar to simile, has made
the similarity of the language of Nafthat-Al-Masdurstronger.
Keywords: Nafthat-Al-Masdur, Figures of Speech and Expressions,
Deep Construction, Homogeneity, Equivalence.

24 Persian Language and Literature, Vol. 71, Issue 238, Fall & Winter 2018- 2019
Discussion and conclusion
Familiarity with the profound and constructive method of a poet and a
writer's language has a significant effect on recognizing his work, how
to read the text, and creating a dynamic connection with it. It is also
effective on the discovering of relationship among its constituents in
three phases of phoneme, lexicon and the syntax found in that work, as
well as its psychological dimensions.
The language of Nafthat-Al-Masdur in two phases of Figures of
Speech and Expressions is profoundly similar, in the sense that
similarity is the main factor in the selection of words and their
arrangement in the synchronic language. This parallelism pattern in the
rhetorical domain has made the two methods of Saj and Pun a
prominent factor in the language. Hence the phonetic consistency
between the lexicon creates a sound and sorrow that was caused by the
Mongol invasion of Iran, and in line with this music, in the spiritual
domain, the exaggerated words of the writer has been a reflection of
simile in his work. The language of the Nafthat-Al-Masdurin
expressing and application of its array is also subject to the similarity
pattern governing this work and its psychological effect is doubled.
Zeydari prefers ironies and similes more than metaphor and trope.
Because the profound construction of simile, like Saj and Punand ...,is
based on similes while metaphor and trope and other exemplary verbal
arrays have the same profound construction.
The reason for choosing this method of expression in Nafthat-AlMasdur is, on the one hand, the greater and better impact on the
audience, understanding of the real nature of the Mongol invasion using
the music derived from the phonetic similarity, and ultimately
emancipation from the sadness that dictates the soul and heart of the
author. And this is also quite evident from the name of the work, which
means "it leaves out what it does with pulmonary disease, from the
sputum and itself to make it a little relaxing."

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • : Nafthat-Al-Masdur
  • Figures of Speech and Expressions
  • Deep Construction
  • Homogeneity
  • Equivalence
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