History of literature of Iran
Abolfazl Horri
In narratology, the discussion of the six components of the narrative communicative model has given rise to heated debate. The author discusses the six components of the narrative communicative model and how they relate to the external and internal voices of the narrator. The real Saʾdi Shirazi is the ...
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In narratology, the discussion of the six components of the narrative communicative model has given rise to heated debate. The author discusses the six components of the narrative communicative model and how they relate to the external and internal voices of the narrator. The real Saʾdi Shirazi is the composer of the works, but there is also an implied author who mediates between the real Sa’di and the narrator. The narrator's voice conveys the Prologue of Golestân to the reader/narrator, while Saʾdi Shirazi's voice can indicate his ideology as a real author. However, the works are not a direct reflection of the real Sa’di's positions, but rather he expresses his point of view through textual tools. The article examines the real and implied position of Saʾdi in the Prologue of Golestân, using the authorial Saʾdi as a solution to discuss contradictions and paradoxes attributed to the real Sa’di. From this position, Golestân and Bustân are the works by this authorial Saʾdi rather than the real Saʾdi mentioned in the tazkiras.
History of literature of Iran
Amir Afshin Farhadian; Mohammad Taheri
A number of Hafez's poems are related to each other. Analyzing the elements of these links leads to a more accurate understanding of the poems, a better understanding of the thoughts and approaches of the poet, and a better drawing of the faces of the characters in the poems. The knowledge gained from ...
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A number of Hafez's poems are related to each other. Analyzing the elements of these links leads to a more accurate understanding of the poems, a better understanding of the thoughts and approaches of the poet, and a better drawing of the faces of the characters in the poems. The knowledge gained from reflecting on the intratextual relationships of Hafez' Divan can be effective in correcting the poems. In this essay, an example of the beneficial results of paying attention to intertextual relationships in the correction of Hafez's poems is explained with the method of content analysis and in a descriptive-analytical way. In the verse:My heart does not desire asceticism and repentance, butwe should strive in the name of Xâje and his government نمیکند دل من میل زهد و توبه ولیبه نام خواجه بکوشیم و فر دولت اوPaying attention to the intertextual relationship of the Divan shows that the "Xâje" in this verse is Xâje Jalâloddin Turân Shah, the famous minister of Shah Shojaʾ Mozaffari. Hafez has eulogized this vizier in a significant number of his poems. The analysis of the poems related to him in Hafez's Divan provides us with significant information about his thought and life and his relationship with Hafez. The meaning of this verse is in complete conflict with the knowledge obtained from the analysis of those poems. The inconsistency suggests that the current recording of the verse may be flawed. By referring to the old versions and checking the recorded recordings, it was possible to recover the correct form of the verse.
History of literature of Iran
Mahdi Zarghani
When we speak about the tradition of Persian literary history often glances directed to the translation of European literary history books, which provided Persian-language literary historians with new approaches, methods and measures. Therefore, firstly, the book and secondly, the translation are considered ...
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When we speak about the tradition of Persian literary history often glances directed to the translation of European literary history books, which provided Persian-language literary historians with new approaches, methods and measures. Therefore, firstly, the book and secondly, the translation are considered two main variables in transferring the heritage of Maghreb to the territory of Persian language.However, firstly, much earlier than the translation of books opened the eyes of literary historians to new worlds, press articles assumed this important role, and secondly, the efforts of this field in the three genres of translation, authorship and translation - They were writing. The main question of the article is formed at this point:What was the role of the historical verse articles that were published in Kaveh newspaper in transferring the western heritage and how? Other questions such as which figures were more effective and what was the relationship between their works and the dominant discourses of the society at that time?
History of literature of Iran
Hasan Anvari
As in most areas of thought, science, economy, politics and culture of Iran, Azerbaijanis have been both pioneer and diligent in the field of lexicography for Persian language. The fruit of their efforts in this area includes a very long period of time from the oldest periods of the Dari Persian language ...
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As in most areas of thought, science, economy, politics and culture of Iran, Azerbaijanis have been both pioneer and diligent in the field of lexicography for Persian language. The fruit of their efforts in this area includes a very long period of time from the oldest periods of the Dari Persian language with ancient examples such as the Qatrân’s lexicon (5th century AH) to recent years and an example such as “Great Sokhan Dictionary” (published in 1381). This history and tradition is an ancient and fruitful achievement, and in this essay, we provide a brief report of this great and continuous historical effort with a review of the most famous and well-known examples of Persian dictionaries written by Azerbaijanis with a critical eye.
History of literature of Iran
Samaneh Hassanalizadeh; Ali Shahidi; Zohreh Zarshenas
The Function of Bilingual Persian-Turkish Verse Dictionaries in the Transmission of Persian Language in the Ottoman Period in Anatolia[1]ABSTRACTThe main purpose of this article is to clarify the structure of Persian-Turkish bilingual verse dictionaries, because they are important in terms of reflecting ...
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The Function of Bilingual Persian-Turkish Verse Dictionaries in the Transmission of Persian Language in the Ottoman Period in Anatolia[1]ABSTRACTThe main purpose of this article is to clarify the structure of Persian-Turkish bilingual verse dictionaries, because they are important in terms of reflecting the social life of the people during the Ottoman period, their vocabulary and also the degree and type of influence of Persian literature on Turkish literature. In this research, while studying the dictionaries, the main motivations and incentives of the authors, the weaknesses and strengths of them as well as the challenges faced by the authors were determined. By drawing the main paths of movement and flow of Persian language knowledge, along with aspects of its impact and transmission, we found that Persian language played a vital role in the intellectual environment of society during the Ottoman period and was used as a language of cultural discourse during the religious conflict between Iran and Anatolia.Keywords: Ottoman Turkish, Persian Language, Persian-Turkish Verse Dictionaries INTRODUCTIONIn the propitious environment of the Ottoman era, on the one hand, the existence of numerous Persian poetry and prose works and the general interest in learning Persian not only as a literary language but also as a language for understanding Arabic, which was the scientific language in Islamic society, and on the other hand, the competition between writers, poets, mystics, Sufis or courtiers who mastered Persian and Arabic languages and could improve their social status through their works in the scientific and cultural fields of the Islamic world, are the important factors in the writing of Persian-Turkish dictionaries. For children who reached the age of education and also for adults, according to their age and ability to learning, Persian dictionaries were taught which included explanations of Persian words as well as Persian grammar. Starting language education at a young age, especially for children, is perhaps one of the main reasons for writing dictionaries in the form of poetry or “Nisâbs”. Children’s interest to read poetry made it easy for them to memorize foreign language words through repetition. According to the content and form characteristics of verse dictionaries, a person who was familiar with these texts at a young age, would learn the vocabulary, numerical value of the Arabic alphabet letters, conjugation of verbs, numbers, names of months, historical figures, proverbs, idioms, their usages and syntactic information through the sentences presented with their translation and also the basic grammatical rules of the language. In addition, they would become familiar with some figures of speech and versification, which were very useful for people who were interested in poetry. The importance of researching such dictionaries can be examined from several points of view; on the one hand, these dictionaries were a kind of educational tool which was taught in schools, mainly with the aim of promoting classical Persian literature. Words used for Ottoman managers and statesmen, historical and legendary elements, names of peoples and nations, places, occupations, groups, types of characters, clothes and clothing, shopping, size and weight, goods, eating and drinking, games, entertainments and hunting, elements of marriage and kinship, diseases, vehicles, elements related to religion and belief, calendar, riddles, terms and proverbs and other words that have the greatest impact on daily life, are important in reflecting the social life of the people in the Ottoman period. On the other hand, these dictionaries are important in terms of vocabulary, the degree of influence and historical development of the Persian language, as well as the intensity and type of influence of Persian literature on Turkish literature. Some of these Persian words or their combinations do not exist in the modern Persian language or not being used at all. Such words can fill the lack of words in Persian language and be useful in the studies between Iran and Turkey, such as text editions and reciprocating translations.METHODSIn this research, based on the descriptive-analytical method, 22 Persian-Turkish bilingual verse dictionaries have been studied.RESULTSThe authors have basically followed the principles of Arabic & Persian lexicography and the previous sources have served as a model for writing and enriching dictionaries. Many authors have emphasized in the introductions the propagation of Persian knowledge, which is the most important necessity for reading and understanding great poems and treatises in Persian language, and also having access to Arabic language. Verse dictionaries are less rich than prose dictionaries, and the words that appear in the dictionary section are often everyday words in the colloquial language of the people, and rare and complicated words for writing and essays are rarely used in them. Due to versification rules, which were one of the main challenges for authors, the meanings of all the words are not properly expressed, and in the meaning, usually a word has been chosen which is according to versification rules.CONCLUSIONThe study of bilingual dictionaries has increased our understanding of the influence of the Persian language and its determining role in the intellectual environment of the target society, which caused the spread of the Persian language as a language of cultural discourse during the religious conflict between Iran and Anatolia during the Ottoman period. In fact, it can be concluded that the motivation in learning and understanding Arabic language as a scientific language among Muslim societies and especially in Anatolia, through learning Persian language, has identified the Persian language as the most eloquent language in the Islamic society. REFERANCESArslan, A., (2016).Tühfe-I Husami: Inceleme,Ҫeviri Yazılı Metin,Dizin. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. 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Hasan Rizayi ve Kan-ı Ma’ani Isimli Manzum Sözlügü, Turkish studies 7/4: 2939-2992.Underhill, R., (1986). Turkish.Studies in Turkish Linguistics. 7-21.Verburg, C. A., (1997). The Tühfe-i Şahidı: A Sixteenth-Century Persian Ottoman Dictionary in Rhyme Part I, Archivum OttomanicumYalap, H., (2018). Klasik Türk Edebiyatinda Farsca-Türkce Manzum Sözlüklerin Kavram Alani ve Yöntem Bağlaminda Değerlendirmesi, Tarih Okulu Dergisi, 36: 229-255 [1] Samâne Hasanalizâde: Ph.D. Student of Azad University, Science and Research Branch.Ali Šahidi: Assistant Professor of Tehran University.Zohre Zaršenâs: Professor of Tehran University. .
History of literature of Iran
neda sonboli; Abbas Gadimi Gidari
The phenomenon that is called "child marriage" today and is one of the important social and cultural issues and harms related to women, is a historical issue that in the Qajar era in the struggle between tradition and modernity, gradually to the issue and subject It became important, at least among sections ...
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The phenomenon that is called "child marriage" today and is one of the important social and cultural issues and harms related to women, is a historical issue that in the Qajar era in the struggle between tradition and modernity, gradually to the issue and subject It became important, at least among sections of Iranian society. Child marriage or marriage of girls at a young age, although a common phenomenon in pre-modern Iran, does not mean that this phenomenon is not considered as a social harm and a critical phenomenon. In the silence of historiographical, official and even political sources in the face of this issue, literary texts that are considered as the main sources and sources of social history in Iran have considered this important issue as a source of social criticism and in a thoughtful way in They reflected their poems and writings. Relying on texts and literary sources of the Qajar and constitutional eras and new research, this article has analyzed the approach of texts to the issue of child marriage in a descriptive-explanatory method.
History of literature of Iran
Taghi Pournamdarian; Mostafa Mousavi
Abstract:Nezami Ganjavi, a Persian poet of the sixth century AH, has been introduced as a Turk in some directional studies of the last few decades. In this article, we have tried, firstly, by referring to the works of Nezami Ganjavi, in which there is no doubt about their attribution, and secondly, by ...
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Abstract:Nezami Ganjavi, a Persian poet of the sixth century AH, has been introduced as a Turk in some directional studies of the last few decades. In this article, we have tried, firstly, by referring to the works of Nezami Ganjavi, in which there is no doubt about their attribution, and secondly, by referring to sources that have existed in this regard from the distant past to the present. And also published research and analysis on the subject under discussion, to examine the language of the military. In this study, it became clear that the mother tongue of the Iranian military dialect has been one of the various dialects in the history and vast geography of Iran, to which we have received many poems known as Fahlaviyyat in the margins of texts and manuscripts. The language of Nezami poetry was Persian Dari and there is no credible evidence that the verse was written in Turkish.
History of literature of Iran
hasan jahandar
Atamalek Joveini, the author of the history of Jahangoshaye Joveini, has used the poetry of others in writing his book. The recording of many of these poems differs from what is stated in the original sources. In this study, we have studied one of the causes of these differences, which is the intentional ...
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Atamalek Joveini, the author of the history of Jahangoshaye Joveini, has used the poetry of others in writing his book. The recording of many of these poems differs from what is stated in the original sources. In this study, we have studied one of the causes of these differences, which is the intentional manipulation and change of the author. And by examining the examples, we have shown thatThis author has sometimes consciously made changes in the poems of others in order to create more harmony between poetry and prose, in accordance with the theme of the word Of course, this is just one of the reasons and so on to other factors Including the difference between Manuscripts and Possibility of memory error and taste manipulation There is also a brief explanation.Atamalek Joveini, the author of the history of Jahangoshaye Joveini, has used the poetry of others in writing his book. The recording of many of these poems differs from what is stated in the original sources
History of literature of Iran
mahdi rahimpoor
AbstractThe first possible work in Persian in AnatoliaAfter the establishment of the Seljuks in Anatolia, the Persian language flourished there and caused many works in Persian to be written in that land. Much research has been done on what work was first written in Persian in Anatolia, and Iranian and ...
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AbstractThe first possible work in Persian in AnatoliaAfter the establishment of the Seljuks in Anatolia, the Persian language flourished there and caused many works in Persian to be written in that land. Much research has been done on what work was first written in Persian in Anatolia, and Iranian and Turkish scholars have written articles in this field. Earlier, Habish Ibn Ibrahim of Tefilissi (d. 559 or 579 A.D.) was considered the first Persian writer of the Roman Empire to have written several works in Persian of that land. But in recent years, another treatise entitled "Keshf’ al Aqaba" has been included in a collection of treatises written in the eighth century. The date of writing of this work is estimated to be late 5th century, which is very interesting to consider and if this hypothesis is proven, the date of writing of the first work in Persian in Anatolia goes back more than half a century and in terms of history of Persian language and literature in Anatolia It is important. In this article, while briefly introducing the treatise, there are indications that this work can be accepted as the first possible work in Rome.
History of literature of Iran
hasan heydarzade sardrood
The story of "The Animals Lawsuit against Humanity", the oldest version of which is found in the Arabic Epistles oF Ikhwana al-Safa, has received more attention from Persian (and Turkish) writers in the two periods of the eighth and thirteenth centuries. In these two periods, twelve translations and ...
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The story of "The Animals Lawsuit against Humanity", the oldest version of which is found in the Arabic Epistles oF Ikhwana al-Safa, has received more attention from Persian (and Turkish) writers in the two periods of the eighth and thirteenth centuries. In these two periods, twelve translations and adaptations of this story have been identified, which this study seeks to introduce and discover genealogy and the relationship between them in general. Based on the findings of this study, there are three main streams and one sub-stream (eclectic) in these translations and adaptations: the main stream maintains the structure of the Arabic narrative (plot, time and place, characters and trajectory of the story) and fundamental changes has not given. The intrusions and occupations of this steam have been mainly the change of its writing style from the sent prose to the artificial prose. The second stream summarizes the story; and the third stream, which begins with the initiative of Mir Hosseini Heravi, makes fundamental changes in the narrative and presents a story with a different structure, trajectory, and plot. In this process, although the main themes of the conversations and some characters are preserved, the plot and trajectory of the story are reproduced in the light of mystical discourse. The manifestation of the influence of mystical discourse is in adding the theme of "travel" and "Pir" and setting up seven courts in seven days, as well as the topics of conversation.
History of literature of Iran
muhammad keshavarz; Farhad Doroodgarian; Behnaz Alipoor Gaskari
Babashmal is one of the leading satirical magazines of the Twentieth Century which was published by Reza Ganjei during the years 1322 to 1326 in Tehran. Babashmal magazine, which was active in the most prominent periods of Iranian contemporary history, with almost all political, social and economic events ...
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Babashmal is one of the leading satirical magazines of the Twentieth Century which was published by Reza Ganjei during the years 1322 to 1326 in Tehran. Babashmal magazine, which was active in the most prominent periods of Iranian contemporary history, with almost all political, social and economic events and collaborations with a group of writers and poets, each of whom later became widely known in the country's literary arena. And the culture of Iranian society has been humorously presented and delivered to the authorities by the menus and wishes of their audiences, who were generally among the masses. Much of the journal's critical and humorous content revolves around political issues. It can be said that even the most important political issues and events in the country have not escaped the sharp criticism of the writers and poets of this magazine. The most important political content of the magazine included issues such as threats to foreign countries and fear of the government, criticizing the performance of ministers and statesmen, criticizing the inefficiency of the National Assembly and MPs, buying and selling parliamentary votes, criticizing the damaging role of foreign advisers, the situation Shattered and unstable state offices and so on. This article attempts to reconfigure the discourse of this journal by emphasizing the content of Babashmal's journal, by means of a consolidated content analysis
History of literature of Iran
farzad mohammadi; mohammad hakimazar; asghar rezaporian
Halimi Shirvani is an anonymous poet in the early tenth century. There is no exact information about his life except a little information obtained from various biographies especially his poetry. Due to the various and little information, biographers have made some mistakes about Halimi who has written ...
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Halimi Shirvani is an anonymous poet in the early tenth century. There is no exact information about his life except a little information obtained from various biographies especially his poetry. Due to the various and little information, biographers have made some mistakes about Halimi who has written about culture and the owner of Bahr al-gharayeb. It is clear that he was one of the Indian-style poets who was born in Shirvan in the early tenth century, traveled to Gilan and Qazvin, and then migrated to Levant in the middle of his life. Halimi's poetical works include more than 6550 verses, which have not yet been reviewed and corrected, and its only copy is kept in the Lala Ismail Library in Turkey. These poetical works include qasida, ode (ghazal), quatrain (ruba’i), fragment (qit’a) as well as six epistles and three poems. His poetical works show that Halimi had been able to compose artifact poem, odes without dot, mystery and chronogram. He is an iconoclastic and a norm deviation poet; as he has repeatedly called himself "the inventor" of a kind of ode or a special manner. The present article introduces this anonymous and prolific poet as well as reviews his cognitive style features and poetic themes.