Akrami, MirJalil
Mystical Epic from Hypothesis to Reality [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 1-40]
Ali Joula, Elham
Suffi Dynasties from the Perspective of the Author of Rashhat al-Ghaybiyeh Fi Tahhqiqh Tariq al-Sufiyeh [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 123-151]
Alizadeh, Nasser
Elements of Postmodern in Sonnets of Hafez-e Shirazi [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 153-180]
Asadollahi, Khodabakhsh
Analysis of the Effects of Realism in the Novel Sharab-e Kham [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 99-116]
Baghinejad, Abbas
Bijan Najdi” and Innovation in Language of Story [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 1-16]
Baseri, Shahnaz
Whaite- Wearing Mourmers (Investigating the Origins of Wearing in the Mounings of Tarikh- I Bayhagi) [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 189-215]
Birang, MohammadReza
Studying Dimensions and Style of Affidavit as a Teaching Method in Qá'im Maqam’s Monsha’at in Comparison with Sa’di’s Golestan [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 41-57]
Dehghan, Ali
The Challenge between Tradition and Modernity in Moniru Ravanipoor’s Ahle Ghargh [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 181-203]
Ebadi Asayesh, Maryam
A Study on Magical Realism and Revisionary Nostalgia in the Mise-en-abymes of the Novel Esfar-e-Kateban
(The Script of the Scribes [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 97-122]
Ebrahimi, Mokhtar
Mawlana's Approach to Thought [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 73-96]
Farzi, Hamidreza
The Challenge between Tradition and Modernity in Moniru Ravanipoor’s Ahle Ghargh [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 181-203]
Ghasemzadeh, Reza
The Challenge between Tradition and Modernity in Moniru Ravanipoor’s Ahle Ghargh [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 181-203]
Golizadeh, Parvin
Mawlana's Approach to Thought [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 73-96]
Hasani Jalilian, Mohammad Reza
Allegory with Dual Implication (Virtual and Real),
A Way to Expand the Scope of Meaning [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 57-71]
Heidariyan, Akbar
A short contemplation on a verse of Khaqani’s ode called Tarsaeiyeh [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 81-98]
Heydari, Ali
Allegory with Dual Implication (Virtual and Real),
A Way to Expand the Scope of Meaning [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 57-71]
Hosseyni, Alireza
Analysis and Reflection of the Holy Qur'an in Folk Allusion with an Intertextuality Approach [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 167-187]
Jahadi, Seyyed Amir
A Research on Introducing the Literary Type of the Book of Life of Ministers and its Works [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 59-80]
Kazem Kahdooi, Mohammad
Pondering on Innovation of Sultan Walad in Sonnat Arena [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 205-229]
Khazaee, Fatemeh
Deterministic System of Action: Metamorphosis of the Changeable Cognition in the Eternal Metacognition [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 117-140]
Khoshnoodi, Bahram
Studying the Time in Kalileh and Demneh Tales According To the Time in Narrative Theory [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 217-236]
Mahmoodi, Kheirollah
Whaite- Wearing Mourmers (Investigating the Origins of Wearing in the Mounings of Tarikh- I Bayhagi) [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 189-215]
Malek Sabet, Mahdi
Pondering on Innovation of Sultan Walad in Sonnat Arena [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 205-229]
Mansour Tabatabai, Mohammad
Suffi Dynasties from the Perspective of the Author of Rashhat al-Ghaybiyeh Fi Tahhqiqh Tariq al-Sufiyeh [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 123-151]
Mehri Baidiglu, Iman
Analysis of the Effects of Realism in the Novel Sharab-e Kham [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 99-116]
Mortezaei, Seyyed Javad
A short contemplation on a verse of Khaqani’s ode called Tarsaeiyeh [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 81-98]
Nazari, AhmadReza
Studying the Time in Kalileh and Demneh Tales According To the Time in Narrative Theory [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 217-236]
Nazari Anamaq, Tahere
Elements of Postmodern in Sonnets of Hafez-e Shirazi [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 153-180]
Nazari Charvadeh, Masoume
Studying the Time in Kalileh and Demneh Tales According To the Time in Narrative Theory [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 217-236]
Pashai, Mohammad
Analysis of the Components of Realism in the Fiction of Jamalzadeh and Al-e Ahmad [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 17-38]
Rahimi, Abolghasem
Analysis of the Myth of the Abandoned Child in the Shahnameh from the Viewpoint of Jung's Psychology [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 141-166]
Rahimi Harsini, Behnoosh
Allegory with Dual Implication (Virtual and Real),
A Way to Expand the Scope of Meaning [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 57-71]
Ramazani, Abolfazl
Analysis of the Components of Realism in the Fiction of Jamalzadeh and Al-e Ahmad [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 17-38]
Ranjbar, Ebrahim
Analysis of the Effects of Realism in the Novel Sharab-e Kham [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 99-116]
Reza Gheibi, Mahmood
A Study on Magical Realism and Revisionary Nostalgia in the Mise-en-abymes of the Novel Esfar-e-Kateban
(The Script of the Scribes [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 97-122]
Saadati, Afsaneh
Mawlana's Approach to Thought [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 73-96]
Sahraei, Ghasem
Allegory with Dual Implication (Virtual and Real),
A Way to Expand the Scope of Meaning [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 57-71]
Salahi, Asgar
Analysis of the Effects of Realism in the Novel Sharab-e Kham [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 99-116]
Shirdel, Zahra
Analysis of the Myth of the Abandoned Child in the Shahnameh from the Viewpoint of Jung's Psychology [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 141-166]
Tajlil, Jalil
Studying Dimensions and Style of Affidavit as a Teaching Method in Qá'im Maqam’s Monsha’at in Comparison with Sa’di’s Golestan [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 41-57]
Vaseghi Khundai, Davood
Pondering on Innovation of Sultan Walad in Sonnat Arena [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 205-229]
Zakeri Kish, Omid
Love Stories: Lyric or Narrative Genre? [Volume 70, Issue 235, 0, Pages 39-56]
Zirak, Sareh
Deterministic System of Action: Metamorphosis of the Changeable Cognition in the Eternal Metacognition [Volume 70, Issue 236, 2017, Pages 117-140]