Document Type : علمی- پژوهشی


1 Doctoral student

2 eslamic azad saveh university



The novel includes the events of many eventful periods of Iran's contemporary history, which are reported with the focus of Tuba's life. The events of the novel take place in the context of political developments from the threshold of the constitutional movement to the last decades of Pahlavi II's rule and the height of

violent struggles. During it, Parsipour depicts the life of several generations, centered on the life of Tuba. From this perspective, the novel Tuba and the meaning of the night is the story of the life and inner conflicts of the Iranian man, who, in addition to living in the context of political and social conflicts, is involved in the turmoil and psychological conflicts arising from the wave of modernity within himself. Study method: This article has been prepared in an analytical-descriptive method, using library resources and using scientifically valid sources. Findings: The findings of the research confirm that the confrontation between tradition and modernity has been going on from the threshold of constitutionalism to the occurrence of the revolution in various fields of Iranian society. In addition to politics and governance, this confrontation has transformed family and social relations. Conclusion: The results of this research show that at any point in time from the constitutional era to this point, on the one hand, we can witness the progress of modernity in the individual, social, and political spheres, and on the other hand, the resistance of traditional standards and standards against the relentless wave of modernity.


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