Document Type : علمی- پژوهشی


Department of Persian Language and Literature, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran


Mantagh al Tair is one of the prominent mystical works in Persian literature, which in a narrative structure, deals with the story of the quantitative and qualitative calling of "birds of the world" and their collective efforts to search and reach "Simorgh". He used 194 "Anecdote" in the structure of Mantagh al Tair. The question is, what is the role and function of these stories and why does "Attar" insist on using this type of narration? The presupposition is that the story is one of the tools and arrangements needed to shape a collective mobilization, and Attar consciously tries to base the structure of Mantagh al Tair on the "story". The premise is that the "anecdote" facilitates the transformation of the story of "I" into "us" and causes the birds to accompany "Hoopoo". The "anecdote" creates a crisis and extreme urgency. The "anecdote" intensifies the theatrical requirement of the call. The "anecdote" highlights the good and the collective interest of the birds. The "anecdote" builds a common socialization and worldview of birds. "Anecdote" increases the action and persuasion function of language and its persuasive power. The "anecdote" facilitate the fascination and conquest of the birds' minds.


Extended Abstract


The Role and Functionalist Analysis of "Anecdote" in Collective Calls

[1]((A Case Study is Mantagh –al- Tayr



The use of language in the form of "anecdote" and with a narrative composition brings more psychological pressure and mental impact on the audience. Man is bound by narratives. It is a narration that takes a person into captivity or brings him to liberation and freedom. Nothing can’t stay outside the narrative. It is the narrative that makes communication and participation possible. A revolutionary succeeds in achieving his desired results and changes by insisting on the use of anecdotes and narratives more than any other tool. As much as a revolution can use narrative tools such as anecdotes, stories in its beginning, middle, and end. It can dominate the activists and participants, because "narrative structures can be the cause and effect of events”1.  Mantagh Al-Tayr also displays a public formula that is based on the literary type of stories and anecdotes first of all. There are more than 194 anecdotes and parables in the text of Mantagh al-Tayr Logic, which are very important in smoothing the path and direction of the general gathering and call of the birds and lead to the formation and finally the result of the collective mobilization of the birds for change. "Change from materialism and reaching meta-materialism and changing from quantitative needs and reaching qualitative needs".2


The following article seeks to investigate and analyze the role and function of anecdotes in the structure of Mantagh al-Tayr. In other words, why does Attar insist so much on using anecdotes? Why does "Hodhod" use so many anecdotes in leading the revolution and achieving fundamental intellectual changes in Birds society? What is the role and function of the story and the narrative feature hidden in its essence, in reaching the collective goals of the chickens? “Anecdotes" is Attar's most important tool in shaping the structure of this collective mobilization. " Anecdotes" creates a crisis and extreme urgency and intensifies the dramatic requirement of the intended call of "Hodhod". By using " Anecdotes " it is possible to highlight the good and the collective benefit and to intensify the sociability and common world view. Narrative constructions make it easy to attract and conquer the mind and increase the persuasive and persuasive power of language.



There are more than 194 anecdotes and parables in the text of Mantagh al-Tayr, which are very important in smoothing the path and direction of the general gathering and call of the birds and lead to the formation and finally the result of the collective mobilization of the birds for change.

The research method in this article is qualitative and in the form of content analysis and description. It is obvious that after collecting the library materials and analyzing the text of al- Mantagh al-Tayr, summarizing and concluding the materials will be done. The premise of the article is that the public call for "birds of the world" in Mantagh Al-Tayr region is a social revolution and a kind of fundamental and general changes. Change in needs based on individualism and reach the needs of all and the collective good.



Attar uses a lot of anecdotes and parables from the language of "Hodhod" to balance the intellectual and mental crisis created for the birds; A crisis that causes the formation of urgency and compulsion in the present tense. According to Tzutan Todrov, "the narrative structure of literary works can both create crisis and have a desire for balance"3. By defining the story of Simorgh in a narrative and effective structure, Hodhod succeeds in disrupting the mental peace of the birds and causing them mental and intellectual tension. As a thoughtful and sensitive poet, Attar knows that drastic and radical changes are often difficult and exhausting. He knows that revolutions are always accompanied by doubt, preoccupation and mental worry. This is why birds correctly states in Mantagh Al-Tayr that changing the lifestyle and giving in to intellectual and social revolutions requires "emptiness of heart", "correct determination" and awareness and confidence.

The call of "Hodhod" gathers the chickens of the world. First, the "alltogether" chickens call out to the call of the head and participate in the general call. A group stays open at the beginning of the path and another group of chickens go through the stages of the search process. A group also stays with Hodhod until the end of the trip and they seek to change their lifestyles, influenced by Hodhod's call. Accepting the public invitation and call from all the chickens, both those who follow their own interests and those who sacrifice themselves for the sake of the community and for social changes, all of them are under the influence of the passionate obligation caused by the story. Birds participating in the revolution process see themselves as active actors in it. Attar uses his language and using anecdotes and parables, creates a dramatic imperative in the minds of the chickens. The story of "Simorgh" from the language of Hodhod itself causes dramatic necessity. So that the birds in general see the existence and presence of Simorgh in an objective and dramatic way. The anecdotes used by Attar all add to the dramatic aspect of his desired cognitive revolution. They convey the discussed concepts and ideas in a clear and visual way to the participants in the revolution process. The use of anecdotes in social calls strengthens its democracy and collectivism aspect. Stories, with the proliferation of multiple narrators, break the monotony and authority of the main narrator and intensify participation and public relations in the gathering.

One of the most important linguistic actions needed in social revolutions is persuasive action. The persuasive action of language plays an important role in the success or failure of a public appeal. The use of motivational tools and measures of language can be very important in building and enlarging the good and collective benefit desired by the participants in the revolution. Hodhod tries to highlight the ultimate goals and public benefit of chickens by using anecdotes and parables.


Key words: Mantiq-Al-Tair, Revolution, Anecdote, Narration



 Bakhtin, Mikhail. (1387). Imagination of conversation, Essays about the novel, translated by Roya Pourazer, Tehran: Nei Publications.

 Chatman, Seymour. (1978). "Toward a theory of narrative"; new literary history, 6. Number 2, pp. 293-318.

 Dezfulian, Kazem; Molodi Fawad (1390). "Analysis of al-Tir logic based on narratology", scientific research quarterly of Persian language and literature, number 20, pp. 135-113.

Huntington, Samuel. (1382). Political order in societies undergoing transformation, translated by Mohsen salasi. Tehran: Elm Publications, third edition, p. 59.

Khosravi Shakib, Mohammad; Heydari, Rasool. (2019). Investigating the personality of Hodhod in al-Tayr logic based on Abraham Maslow's theory of self-actualization, Scientific Research Journal of Mystical Literature (Gohar Goya), No. 44, pp. 87-102.

[1] Mohammad Khosravishakib: Associates Professor in University of Lorestan


Main Subjects

 Bakhtin, Mikhail. (1387). Imagination of conversation, Essays about the novel, translated by Roya Pourazer, Tehran: Nei Publications.
 Chatman, Seymour. (1978). "Toward a theory of narrative"; new literary history, 6. Number 2, pp. 293-318.
 Dezfulian, Kazem; Molodi Fawad (1390). "Analysis of al-Tir logic based on narratology", scientific research quarterly of Persian language and literature, number 20, pp. 135-113.
Huntington, Samuel. (1382). Political order in societies undergoing transformation, translated by Mohsen salasi. Tehran: Elm Publications, third edition, p. 59.
Khosravi Shakib, Mohammad; Heydari, Rasool. (2019). Investigating the personality of Hodhod in al-Tayr logic based on Abraham Maslow's theory of self-actualization, Scientific Research Journal of Mystical Literature (Gohar Goya), No. 44, pp. 87-102.
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