Document Type : علمی- پژوهشی


1 master of university of azad arak

2 null


Three Drops of Blood" is one of the short stories of SadiqHedayat that has a surrealist and symbolic structure and it somewhat included the author's coordinates. the perception of the central concept of this story is somewhat difficult, it has always been accompanied by different interpretations and criticisms.According to many critics the style of this story is the full-fledged style of a particular storytelling of Hedayat.Hedayat uses an unusual and specific plot to make mysterious and symbolic story that challenges the reader's understanding of the meaning of the text and makes it hard to understand the meaning of it, and sometimes to doubt it.In other words, what has made the story style different from other realist stories is the use of a complex and unusual plot that has concealed the meaning of the text in several layers so that the reader cannot easily understand the central meaning of the story.In fact, by using a plot that is more based on association, repetition, and displacement and ambiguity Hedayat has made an irregular structure and anecdotal narrative about unrelated events in the story that has left out the critics' hands in different ways from its meaning forever.In this paper, the author attempts to use the method of study and analysis to elucidate the specific style of Hedayat's plot in this modern short story and to analyze the intellectual coordinates that is involved in the plot of the story in order to show the relationship between this type of plot with story


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