Document Type : علمی- پژوهشی


Department of Persian Language and Literature,Faculty of Literature and Humanities,University of Isfahan,Isfahan.Iran


Analyzing and Examining the Status of Appropriateness of Verbal Communication Factors in the Structure and the Meaning of Speech
Theory of necessity is a different approach to the reason behind linguistic constructs and rhetorical arrays used in speech. Herein, the study focuses on the reason for the quality or state of the language and the role of the requirements of various influential factors. This theory moves beyond grammar and rhetoric and studies the characteristics of speech and factors influencing its creation, besides how and why it is created.
The theory of necessity comprehensively examines the basic and effective contexts in creating the structural and aesthetic features of language. All possibilities in the language are considered for explaining the characteristics of speech and sometimes affect analyzing content and meaning.
This linguistic-cognitive theory studies the reasons for the existence and creation of language features in all areas of language and rhetoric. This analysis is not limited to the formal sphere of speech; Rather, how to use the formal potentials of language in conceptualization and creation of meaning is the main focus of study. In order to discover the meanings and concepts of speech (the main purpose of this theory), studying how these concepts are presented at the appearance level of language is a necessity. The theory focuses on the application of these linguistic possibilities, examines their role in creating meanings and concepts, and explains the role of meanings and concepts in determining the apparent characteristics of language.


Extended Abstract

Analyzing and Examining the Status of Appropriateness of Verbal Communication Factors in the Structure and the Meaning of Speech



This is a linguistic-cognitive pattern which examines the reasons behind the existence and creation of language characteristics in all the linguistic and rhetorical domains. This study is not limited to the visual domain of the speech; in fact, the main domain of study in this theory is the way visual affordances of language are used in the creation of concepts and meaning.

We can find valuable ideas about rhetoric in the works of scholars in the centuries before Jorjani. These scholars express various characteristics for the speaker, the audience, the speech, and the context of the speech which can be used in providing a definition for the appropriateness and explaining conditions and necessities for these factors.  

The present research attempts to represent a new definition of appropriateness based on the ideas of previous scholars and the discussions of existing literature on rhetoric about appropriateness and its conditions and characteristics, and then by using these discussions and their classifications based on factors of verbal communication, design a practical framework according to the conditions and necessities of each of these factors. This framework are meant to be used as a pattern in analyzing and examining the speech structures in texts and explaining why and how these structures exist.

The existing elements for appropriateness for each of the factors of discourse (speaker, text and audience) can be apparent and non-apparent.

Research Background and Theoretical Foundations

The review of literature showed that no independent book is published about this topic in Persian so far. There are a few researches conducted on the perspectives of rhetorical books on the subject of appropriateness from theoretical and practical perspectives for the analysis of texts; for example, in “Study of the Process of Discussion of Appropriateness”, the process of this topic and the conditions of its explanation for the factors of speaker, audience, speech, context and the conditions of speech formation in rhetorical literature is analyzed extensively. The thesis “Study and Analysis of Appropriateness and the Analysis of Mathnavi Based on this Principle”, while analyzing this topic in the literature of Persian and Arabic literary sciences, uses the pattern presented in this research to analyze different parts of Mowlana’s Mathnavi, such as its titles, preface, prologues and tales.


A system of apparent and non-apparent conditions for each of the four factors of verbal communication, i.e., speaker, audience, speech and context, seems to be definable based on the suggestions of previous rhetoricians for these factors, as well as on the status of each of these factors in the formation of verbal communication and the influence they can exert on how this communication is created and how the speech is formed.

The three factors of speaker, audience and speech are the most important factors in the creation of this process because they practically play a direct role in the formation of speech.

Each verbal communication has two sets of factors:

  1. the three factors of speaker, audience and speech which are the main factors in the formation of a verbal communication and practically participate in the formation of verbal communication directly and form its three angles.
  2. the context which is comprised of three factors of time, place and environment (social, political, cultural, etc.) is an effective factor in the formation of verbal communication. Although context is not considered another side in the triangle of communication, it affects each of the other factors and all this process in an extensive interaction with the three main factors.


A pattern can be designed based on the topic of appropriateness in the process of communication or the formation of speech for the analysis of speech. In this pattern, the status and situation of several factors in the process of communication is analyzed. This, in fact, forms the very principles of this design:

1) the status and the situation of the speaker;

2) the status and the situation of the audience;

3) the status and the situation of the speech;

4) the status and the situation of the context;

First point: The status and the situation of the four factors of communication is studied in the two parts of types and conditions, which means each of these factors might have typical or conditional characteristic on general or internal levels.

Second point: The status and the situation of the four factors of communication can be analyzed on two levels of general and internal.

5) the interaction and the mutual influence of the four factors of communication (the cycle of influence among the four factors of communication).

There is a complex cycle of influences between the four factors of communication. The characteristics of a communication is affected by these interactions. The interaction of the three main factors (speaker, audience and speech) and their mutual interaction with the influential factors in communication is one of the main topics in the discussions about appropriateness.

5.1. The interaction of the speaker and the audience;

5.2. The interaction of the speaker and the speech;

5.3. The interaction of the audience and the speech;

5.4. The effect of context on the speaker;

5.5. The effect of context on the audience;

5.6. The effect of context on the speech.

The condition of all these four factors are apparent in speech, especially in the internal level. Even the political, social and cultural context is sometimes apparent in the speech by description or by the existing evidences. Sometimes, even the signs of conditions of factors in general speech (general audience, general context and even general speaker) can be seen in the speech and the analysis of the text reveals some of their characteristics. It is the result of the interaction of the four factors that becomes evident in the speech.

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Main Subjects

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