Zahra Shirdel; Abolghasem Rahimi
Volume 70, Issue 236 , December 2017, , Pages 141-166
The mythical critique deals with the discovery of mental patterns and crystallization of them in literary works. The significance of this method is to examine myths from several points of view and examines social, cultural and psychological backgrounds in the creation of mythology.
Because in this article, ...
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The mythical critique deals with the discovery of mental patterns and crystallization of them in literary works. The significance of this method is to examine myths from several points of view and examines social, cultural and psychological backgrounds in the creation of mythology.
Because in this article, we want let's look at the origins and psychological backgrounds of myth, we choice among the various themes in various cultures, the theme of the "Myth of the Abandoned Child ". This is one of the main themes of the life of many gods, kings, heroes and prophets; therefore, it is very important to deal with it. In this article, we have attempted to Analyze the cycle of psychological evolution of the twelve characters of Shahnameh, which is an example of emancipation and exile in childhood, in the depths of their lives Based on the psychology of Carl Gustave Jung (1961-1875), a Swiss psychiatrist. In order to achieve a better result, with a special look at Iran's greatest epic book, Ferdowsi's Shahnameh will explore the dark and vague points of this remarkable mythology, as well as its decoding, from the perspective of Jung's psychology.
Ali Akbar Sam Khaniani; Mustafa Malek Paein
Volume 65, Issue 226 , January 0, , Pages 23-47
The Story of Lion and Cow in Kelile and Demne has a lot of literary beauties; applying different literary criticisms and various meaningful readings in the context of this story, one can determine the aesthetic factors and their effects on the readers. One the most efficient literary criticism in this ...
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The Story of Lion and Cow in Kelile and Demne has a lot of literary beauties; applying different literary criticisms and various meaningful readings in the context of this story, one can determine the aesthetic factors and their effects on the readers. One the most efficient literary criticism in this regard is the mythical criticism. This study tries to analyze the Story of Lion and Cow in Kelile and Demne based on the Theory of Jung regarding Archetypes and Symbols, and its integration with the Northrop Fry Theory about the mitoses forming a literary work. To do this, after explaining the theoretical framework and method of this study, the symbols and archetypes of different parts of this story would be analyzed applying mythical analysis; then their relations with mitoses forming that part would be expressed. The Story of Lion and Cow in Kelile and Demne has a lot of literary beauties; applying different literary criticisms and various meaningful readings in the context of this story, one can determine the aesthetic factors and their effects on the readers. One the most efficient literary criticism in this regard is the mythical criticism. This study tries to analyze the Story of Lion and Cow in Kelile and Demne based on the Theory of Jung regarding Archetypes and Symbols, and its integration with the Northrop Fry Theory about the mitoses forming a literary work. To do this, after explaining the theoretical framework and method of this study, the symbols and archetypes of different parts of this story would be analyzed applying mythical analysis; then their relations with mitoses forming that part would be expressed. The Story of Lion and Cow in Kelile and Demne has a lot of literary beauties; applying different literary criticisms and various meaningful readings in the context of this story, one can determine the aesthetic factors and their effects on the readers. One the most efficient literary criticism in this regard is the mythical criticism. This study tries to analyze the Story of Lion and Cow in Kelile and Demne based on the Theory of Jung regarding Archetypes and Symbols, and its integration with the Northrop Fry Theory about the mitoses forming a literary work. To do this, after explaining the theoretical framework and method of this study, the symbols and archetypes of different parts of this story would be analyzed applying mythical analysis; then their relations with mitoses forming that part would be expressed.