Sufism and Mysticism
Mohammadreza Hasanijalilian; morteza shokri; ali noori
Comparison and analysis of Mowlânâ's and Eckhart Tolle's Solutions about the Crisis of Meaning The meaning of life is a concept related to the contemporary era. Traditional man lived in the shadow of a meaning that arose from religion and myth, and modern man sought meaning in science, ...
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Comparison and analysis of Mowlânâ's and Eckhart Tolle's Solutions about the Crisis of Meaning The meaning of life is a concept related to the contemporary era. Traditional man lived in the shadow of a meaning that arose from religion and myth, and modern man sought meaning in science, reason and progress, but contemporary man - especially from the Second World War onwards – rejected the previous metanarratives is wandering in emptiness of meaninglessness. The crisis of meaning is the main preoccupation of the present time. The main issue of this research is how to treat senseless pain by referring to the ideas of Mowlânâ (672-604) and Eckhart Tolle (1948- ). In this regard, their opinions have been compared in a descriptive-analytical way. The results of the research show that Mowlânâ considers ego the main cause of human confusion and meaninglessness and introduces love as the most comprehensive treatment for existential diseases. The love that removes the meaninglessness by showing the passion of life and the sweetness of being, as well as seizing time and creating a new perspective in the lover's life. Tolle considers the conditioned mind, stereotyped thinking, captivity in the concept of time and inauthentic identity to be the main causes of the crisis of meaning in contemporary times, and to solve this crisis, he recommends living in the present moment. God is in the center of Mowlânâ's attention; But for Tolle, man is the original. Rumi's intended soul is similar to Tolle's intended mind. Mowlânâ's love is heavenly and directed to the God, and Tolle's love is directed to existence and all creatures.
Sufism and Mysticism
reza aghayarizahed; naser nikoubakht; hoseinali ghobadi; saied bozorgbighdeli
After the composition of the great work of Molavi called “Masnavi”, different explanations have been proposed for it by different scholars through the pass of time. Currently we can observe the viewpoints of different literary writers and through comparing their views we can understand ...
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After the composition of the great work of Molavi called “Masnavi”, different explanations have been proposed for it by different scholars through the pass of time. Currently we can observe the viewpoints of different literary writers and through comparing their views we can understand that: up to now there have been very varied outlooks towards the verses in Masnavi in explanations approaches utilized by the different thought schools. As we investigated about the word “Rostam” known as one of the six symbols of the myths proposed in descriptions of Masnavi, proposed by Forouzanfar, Shahidi, Jaafari, Estelami, Zamani, and Golbinarly we found the response for the question that what was the outlook of those who explained Masnavi encountering myth symbols. Although in Masnavi, Rostam is often known as a complete humane sample because he is believed to be a national hero and Malavi has put him next to Imam Ali (PBUH) and Hamzeh, prophet’s uncle, the results of studies show that the explaining scholars have noticed the role of myth symbols only partially and they have not mentioned anything about the mythology history of Rostam. They have translated the verses related to Rostam colloquially and did not considered the myth and mystic characteristics of him. On the whole they have ignored to refer Rostam as an epic hero which the symbol of a complete human in the thoughts of Molavi.
Lyrical and Didactic Literature
Ziba Ghalavandi; Mohsen Noorpisheh Ghadimi
The image as part of the message is the affect intermediate between the speaker and the audience. Examining the components of the image and its impact on the audience can inform us about the amount of emotion and affection of the poet; The diversity and dynamism of the image leads to its permanence in ...
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The image as part of the message is the affect intermediate between the speaker and the audience. Examining the components of the image and its impact on the audience can inform us about the amount of emotion and affection of the poet; The diversity and dynamism of the image leads to its permanence in the minds of the audience and, as a result, conveying more affection. The diversity of the image, on the one hand, shows that the speaker has experienced it with all his senses, and on the other hand, it enables the audience to receive the message with various sensory receptors. In the present paper, we first review the theories related to affection, image, demilitarization, and their interactions with each other and with the audience; Then, a variety of verbal, visual and vocal images, cinematic images, and transformation in the vertical axis of imagination, identification through the image as well as the components of the image, such as verbs, the image of words and colors, and their connection with Rumi’s affection and emotion in Shams' sonnets are investigated.
Abdollah Tolouei Azar; Rahim koshesh; Ali Samadi
Volume 69, Issue 233 , January 0, , Pages 55-69
Using allegory as rhetoric and reasoning method is a main axis in Iranian mystical literature. This procedure starts with Sanaei's poems, ripens in Attar's poems and culminates in Molavi's poems. Studying mystical allegories from morphologic point of view, makes possible their comprehensive literary, ...
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Using allegory as rhetoric and reasoning method is a main axis in Iranian mystical literature. This procedure starts with Sanaei's poems, ripens in Attar's poems and culminates in Molavi's poems. Studying mystical allegories from morphologic point of view, makes possible their comprehensive literary, social and mystical analysis. This study opens wide horizons in analyzing, interpreting and semantics of Persian literary mystical texts, which are major indicators in Iranian literature.This article tries to present a comprehensive definition of allegory and specify deferent types of it. This definition will help to analyze Persian poems with morphologic method. In this way, evolution process of allegoric speech of Iranian mystics is being studied relying on allegoric elements and variables